
Pineal Command - Iodine and the Bromine Rash!


#BromineRash #PowerOfIodine #PinealCommand

Please read my former article called "The Power of Iodine" before continuing.

Do not take Iodine until you fully understand what you are doing with it.  Driving an 18 wheeler requires a specialized license for a reason.  A licensed driver has the skill sets to handle the vehicle, they have been educated on how to use the tool, the vehicle.  Iodine is a vehicle.  An essential for bodily communication.

Get yourself filled up on the essentials, that's Magnesium, Potassium, SALT, Sulfate and Vitamin C before beginning Iodine. Iodine will move neurotoxins off of Iodine receptor sites.

There are 4 halogens and one of them is Iodine. The other 3 are poisonous, and they are Bromine, Chlorine, and Fluoride. Iodine will displace them, but they do not willingly leave.

There are many many conflicting beliefs and articles about Iodine and the thyroid.  One only has to look to a google search of "Iodine Hashimotos".  Many sources tell people with Hashimoto's to stay away from Iodine.  However, ask yourself, if Iodine is essential to human health, how can it be so dangerous?

I believe the autoimmune response people get from 'excessive' iodine, is actually a detox response to iodine.  Can the body have a bad reaction to something it so desperately needs, but that it's receptacle for it has shrunk and withered?  Think about pouring a 55 gallon drum of kerosene into your little camping lantern sitting on a picnic table.  Your lantern needs the kerosene.  You need the light, but delivering too much too fast is going to be a problem.  Even if it doesn't spill, think of the effort and the balancing act to get that little lantern working again.  It would be best to deliver the kerosene to the lantern, a little bit at a time, at least until you know what you are doing, and then you can monitor your own reaction to it.

The for-profit structure of the Pharmakons delivers a poison as a medicine, then prescribes an inhibitor with an opiate like effect that keeps the poisons in place.  The willing subject, fearful of the pain of detox, follows their commands.  The poison never leaves the patient's body.

Keep in mind the Big Boys (Pharma) keep Iodine for themselves.  In the Emergency Room, Iodine is used everywhere.  It is 100% effective in killing bad bacteria.  It is healing.  It is used on surfaces and instruments.  It is used to wash the bodies of patients.  And it is used directly on wounds.  Leave the emergency room and Iodine somehow becomes instantly dangerous.  You might be able to find a 2oz bottle of it at the local pharmacy, with a skull and cross bones on it.  In comparison, Tylenol with 75,000 emergency room overdose visits a year, has no skull and crossbones.



Lugol's 5% Iodine is a 190 year old formula, not a brand, and is a good source of supplemental iodine.  Be sure to read the Power of Iodine page.

This page gives a list of Iodine cofactors as follows:
Selenium 200 – 400 mcg per day
Magnesium 400 – 1200 mg per day
Vitamin C 3,000 – 10,000 mg per day
Vitamin B - All of them
Salt (Celtic or Himalayan) – 1 tsp a day minimum


Iodine will displace the retained Bromine in your body.  Bromine is in our bread, our drinks, and our sauces.  It is in over the counter cold medicines.  Bromide is used as a fire retardant -- mandatory in the foam in bedding and furniture, and also kids pajamas.

A very common symptom is to develop a bromide rash as the bromine leaves the body.  Bromine is not just stored in the thyroid, it can be stored in other organs including the kidneys, lymph system and sweat glands.  Bromine is still a main ingredient in most cold medicines.  It’s listed as HBr.  Also, Alka-Seltzer was at one time called Bromo-Seltzer.

You may get a Bromine Rash as bromine leaves your body. It can happen at anytime. It commonly happens 3 month, 6 month, 9 month marks after starting Iodine.

Chlorine is poisonous and is in our drinking water, and it's in our bathing water.  As a disinfectant, Iodine is a completely effective, healthy and safe substitute.  Do not confuse Chlorine with Chloride.  Chloride is necessary for human health, and we get our chloride predominantly from SALT.

For bathing, an additional source of healthy chloride can come through Magnesium Chloride

Iodine will displace Fluoride
Fluoride is in our water, and antibiotic medicines like fluoroquinolones.  They include Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, and Floxin.  There are people with damage to the internal workings of their bodies from fluoroquinolones and fluoride.  They are often referred to as having been Floxxed, and a major symptom of this is peripheral neuropathy.  I believe these conditions can be reversed with the essentials.

Do not let the dentist or doctor apply fluoride to your teeth.  Fluoride has been known to calcify, to freeze the pineal gland.

The Pineal Gland contains the highest concentration of Fluoride in the body. 
"Fluoride may also accumulate in a child's pineal because significant amounts of calcification have been demonstrated in the pineals from young children."

The pineal gland sits in the center of your brain, it is your 3rd eye.

The pineal gland is the CEO's office to your body.  It tells the Corporate Heaquarter Messenger Service, your thyroid, what do with Iodine.  T3 and T4 hormones are 70% iodine, and those numbers, 3 and 4, are determined by how many Iodine molecules are attached.

Read more about fluoride calcifying the pineal gland.

Concentrations of "brain sand" increase with age, so the pineal gland becomes increasingly visible on X-rays over time, usually by the third or fourth decade. They are sometimes used as anatomical landmarks in radiological examinations.

The degree of calcification, relative to the size of an individual’s pineal gland, has been suggested as a marker of the individual’s decreased capability to produce melatonin.  Calcification of the pineal gland, and thus lack of melatonin, will cause a disruption in circadian rhythm.

Fluoride has not been measured in the pineal glands of children or young adults, nor has there been any investigation of the relationship between pineal fluoride concentrations and either recent or cumulative fluoride intakes.

Another good article:
Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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The Roman Bath-Extreme


#HotRomanBath #MagnesiumBath

We have discovered this ancient protocol:
The Calor Maximus Romani Bethsabee
Translated into English:
The Roman Bath-Extreme

1 cup Mag Flakes
1 cup Baking Soda - Arm and Hammer- No Aluminum
2 cups Epsom Salt
2 filled droppers of Lugols 5% iodine. Blocks chlorine and fluoride absorption
2 ounces dried sea weed

Magnesium shoves neurotoxins out of cells; it's not binding with them, it's just bulldozing them out of the cells and mitochondria.  When this happens, the body can have an allergic reaction, not to the magnesium, but to displaced toxins.  Mercury poisons on the way in, and it poisons on the way out.  When a large amount of toxins are moved, the body can have an inflammatory response, or neuropathic response, with electrical pins and needles zinging in the body.  Go slow.  Slow and steady win the race.

From a cup of MgCL, magnesium chloride flakes, in a hot bath, with your pores open, you may literally be getting a 100 times the dose you would from a couple of Mag Oil spritzes on your body.  Don't overdo it.  This is powerful, powerful medicine.

Epsom Salts are MgS, magnesium sulfate, and will not be quickly absorbed into the body.  However, the sulfur in the magnesium sulfate, may cause some mercury movement, but overall the sulfate is much more likely to remain outside the body than the MgCL.

The Baking Soda kills bacteria on the skin.

Gently scrape away exfoliating skin.  Pay particular attention to the bottoms of your feet.  It's amazing how much calloused skin peels away.

Floating ships are encouraged.
Squeak toys
Candles - Bees wax only

Slide down, close your eyes, and put your head under water.
Open your eyes under the water for a trippy eye wash.
Rattling or squeaking noises may be the door ways of your mind opening and closing.
Do not drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery after The Roman Bath-Extreme
Do not pass out in the bath tub, you could drown.

If you have found this page helpful,
please leave your comments,
and reviews in the Discuss Comments section
at the bottom of this page.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!


Poison as Medicine

The Caduceus, two snakes encircling a rod, symbol of Western Medicine, means mercury-for-profit.      #PoisonAsMedicine

The Caduceus, two snakes encircling a rod, symbol of Western Medicine, means mercury-for-profit.      #PoisonAsMedicine


The Caduceus, two snakes encircling a rod, symbol of Western Medicine, means mercury-for-profit.

In 500 B.C., Plato, the Greek philosopher, coined the term Pharmakon.  The Wikipedia definition of a Pharmakon is:

“Pharmakon, in philosophy and critical theory, is a composite of three meanings: remedy, poison, and scapegoat.  The first and second senses refer to the everyday meaning of pharmacology (and to its sub-field, toxicology), deriving from the Greek source term φάρμακον (phármakon), denoting any drug, while the third sense refers to the pharmakos ritual of human sacrifice.

I personally define a Pharmakon as a three-act play. 

1.  Poison As Medicine.  The Pharmakon convinces the patient to take a poison through fearmongering, deception, and getting them to doubt their own intuition.  Examples of this are, “This year we will have a very dangerous FLU season” or  “You don’t understand the science behind vaccines” and “The dose makes the poison.”

2.  Treat the Symptoms of the poisoning.  The patient is then given additional poisons to treat the symptoms of their initial poisoning.

3.  Blame the person for their incurable disease.  When the patient grows too sickly from the toxic burdens of the poisons, they are told that there is NO solution for their condition.  GO AWAY!  Historically the person would have been pushed off a cliff, or made a scapegoat for societies ills.  Now they are often directed to see a psychiatrist for their mental problem(s).  The psychiatrist then prescribes even more drugs, continuing the cycle.

Two snakes curling around a central rod is commonly found pictured in the logos of hospitals and other medical institutions.  This symbols is the staff of Hermes, the God of Mercury.  The use of this symbol by healthcare institutions is not a mistake.  Those using this symbol have their roots in the use of mercurial medicines.

In 1857, doctors advocating the use of mercurial treatments founded The American Medical Association.  Their medicine of choice was a mercurial medicament called calomel.  Calomel was used for almost every ailment imaginable, from everyday aches and pains to cholera, dysentery, menstruation, and the common cold. 

In 1820, almost 200 years ago, it was well known doctors were poisoning people with mercury.  The public was outraged over the mercury poisoning of the general populace, and many newspapers printed information about it.  This is from The Athenian newspaper of Athens Alabama on March 5, 1820.

“He then weighs out the fatal grains
I think, mam, this will cure the pains.
Once in three hours at sound of bell
give him a dose of calomel.
The man in death begins to groan,
the fatal job for him is done,
his soul is forced to heaven or hell,
a sacrifice to Calomel.“

Many doctors in the 1800’s were ignorant of the dangers of mercury.  We have not learned much over the past 150 years.  In the USA, as of April 2018, mercury is still used in amalgam dental fillings, and these are required for those on social services, including little children.

Mercury continues to be used in many medications today.

Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that the healthcare/pharmaceutical industry is looking out for our best interests.  However, their obligation is solely to the financial well being of their shareholders. 

Every year there are more than 75,000 ER visits due to Tylenol overdoses.  Tylenol rapidly depletes the liver of essential sulfur, and impinges on our metabolic pathways, causing serious health emergencies, including liver failure and death.  There hasn't been an Iodine overdose in more than 50 years, and that was an attempted suicide.

The HC system recommends poisons for the prevention of diseases.  Aluminum is used in vaccines and antacids, bromine is in cold medicines, fluoride is put in our waters, and medicines, mercury is implanted in our teeth, and X-ray radiation is used to ‘inspect’ us internally.  Additional poisons are then used to treat the symptoms of the original poisoning(s), and this continues into perpetuity.

Western healthcare has a long history of poisoning people.  At one time bromine toxicity from healthcare medicaments was responsible for 5 to 10% of psychiatric hospital admissions.

Fluoride is toxic, yet it is put in our water, put into our mouths, and it is in many other medications from antibiotics to antidepressants.

Here is a comprehensive list of fluoridated drugs.

Into the 1950's the pharmaceutical industry poisoned so many children with mercury in teething powders that they gave a new name to the disease, acrodynia, or pink disease. The soothing powder initially calmed the child, but several hours later, when the body began swelling in reaction to the mercury, the child would break into an encephalytic scream.  What was the pharmaceutical solution?  Feed the child more teething powder, they are crying for it.

Vaccinations are a Western Healthcare tragedy.  The entire industry is legally insulated from accountability.  Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued as per the laws of the United States of America.


Western Healthcare with their sci-fi skill sets is great for treating emergencies.  In the emergency room (ER) they can cut us open, give us a new heart, attach new legs, set broken bones, stitch us up, and grow new skin.  Healthcare is generally not corrupted in the ER.  Let’s take a look at what treatments we get in the ER. 

No matter the reason for a visit to the ER, the patient is usually given intravenous (IV) SALT water. Anyone on a low SALT diet is sick, and the immediate solution is to make sure the body, at least in the blood stream, has a good salt balance.
The ER professionals are not about to leave a patient deficient in salt.


As an antiseptic, the ER uses Iodine almost100% of the time.  It kills bacteria on contact.  When we leave the ER, Iodine, for topical use only, is sold at the pharmacy in a tiny bottle with a skull and cross bones on it.

Iodine not only kills bacteria on contact, it is essential to our well-being.
Our T1, T2, T3, and T4 thyroid hormones each contain a corresponding amount of Iodine atoms.  A T3 thyroid hormone contains 3 Iodine atoms.  Every cell in the body depends upon thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism.

The ER uses enormous doses of Vitamin B1 to save lives.  A banana bag (or rally pack) is a bag of IV fluids that typically contains thiamine, folic acid, and magnesium sulfate, and is usually used to correct nutritional deficiencies or chemical imbalances in the human body.  The solution has a yellow color, hence the term "banana bag.”

Epsom salts, magnesium sulfate, is used intravenously (IV) to stop preeclampsia.  If someone is likely to lose their liver because of Tylenol poisoning, again its IV Epsom.  It’s also used in the ‘Banana Bag’ as mentioned above.  When we leave the ER, we can usually find a box of USP grade Epsom, that can be used as a laxative, on the dusty bottom shelf of the local pharmacy.


Note that sulfur, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iodine, and thiamine are all essential to human life.

Emergency Western Healthcare is very effective and advanced.  However, non-emergency pharmaceuticals systematically poison people.  The healthcare system then treats only the symptoms of their deeds, claiming they have no solutions for the ‘mysterious’ sources of our diseases.

The for-profit pharmaceutical industry does not profit from people that are not sick.  They don't make money from joyous, vibrant, happy-go-lucky people.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

If you have found my work helpful,
please take the time to give a donation.

If you found this page informative,

please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now!


Food Products

The Power of Iodine

LP-Postcard 161028 Iodine Hammer 25.png


Where many essentials are building blocks like bricks in a house, Iodine is the architect’s plan for the human body. It tells the body, organs, and cells how to use those nutrients. Iodine is essential for the proper formation of our DNA. It makes the longest, most complex compounds yet discovered in the universe.

Humans come from the sea, and when we are disconnected from the ocean, sickness is sure to follow.  Iodine is a tool for the human body, and to use a tool properly it's important to know how it works.  I don’t want to be cutting the grass of my lawn with a lawnmower barefooted, do I?

Iodine moves toxins, and when we move any toxins around inside our body, it's extremely important that our detox pathways are open.  The toxins need to be dispelled, and not just redistributed.  To jump start your system, and get the bowels running properly, dump your current poisonous load of bile with the Epsom Flush — Reduce Your Toxic Load

Apoptosis is programmed cell death.  Iodine orders cells to die when it’s time for them to go.  The developing baby in the womb has webbed fingers and toes, until iodine steps in and orders this webbing to disintegrate.  Iodine stimulates dormant hair follicles, and replaces old scars with new skin.

Iodine is a most essential element for the developing baby. The best way for a baby to get iodine is from mom's breast milk.

Bacteria – Iodine kills single celled bacteria on contact.  It destroys topical fungus.  Iodine can be applied topically or taken internally with liquid.

Disinfectant – Iodine disinfects dirty water at 20 drops per gallon.

Radiation – When we are filled up with iodine, our thyroids will be safe from radiation.  We are much less likely to be poisoned by heavy metals or halogens if we have sufficient iodine in our systems, because those heavy metals can not sit down on iodine receptor sites if iodine is already there. This is the reason people are directed to take Iodide (a form of Iodine) after a radiation accident.
Thyroid Protection From Radiation

Iodized Salt
Iodine comes from the sea, and not from glacial waters.  In the middle ages entire villages of cretins were being discovered in the Swiss Alps.  In the 1920's, 50% of the children in and around the Great Lakes Region
had goiters, a visible swelling of the thyroid gland in their necks.  This is the reason iodized salt was introduced in 1926 as a healthcare intervention. 
However, the U.S. RDA of 150mcg is just barely enough to prevent us from having a visible goiter.  150mcg is the amount of iodine we need to stay alive.  150mcg of iodine prevents us from being visibly sick, but allows the healthcare industry to continue profiting by treating iodine deficiencies.

Thyroid hormones are the directions for our metabolic processes.  Without iodine there is no management of our body. The body is not properly directed to kill bad bacteria, and to properly grow and develop.

70% of the weight of a thyroid hormone is iodine.  The number 3 in T3, and the number 4 in T4 hormones represent the number of iodine molecules in that hormone!  

Master Planner
I like using the metaphor of our bodies as a brick building.  Calcium and iron would represent the bricks in the building.  Most of us have plenty of those elements.  However, without mortar between the bricks, the building will be crumbly, and unstable.  Let’s consider magnesium as the mortar between those bricks, it gives our bones strength and is the element our mitochondria powerhouses need to run their functions. Sulfur is our sanitation department and maintainer of our connective tissues.
Iodine is the architects plans for the building, and the manager of our processes.   It determines where the walls go, when the garbage goes out, and what goes in the rooms.  Without iodine, your body's maintenance staff is out to lunch, or worse, out on strike.

Keep a bottle of Lugol's Iodine available for emergencies, the healthcare industry does.  The healthcare system has dream like sci-fi capabilities when it comes to emergency treatments and repairs..  They are incredible at setting bones, replacing organs, growing skin, and putting on artificial limbs.  In the emergency room they use iodine as an antiseptic, and magnesium to calm the heart and body of heart attack victims.  Iodine and magnesium are essential elements. 

Seaweed does not have radiation, and is NOT toxic with heavy metals.  The ancient Greeks treated goiters with seaweed wraps.  Seaweed is loaded with iodine.
The First Nations people of the Pacific Coast of North America carried a fish named Oolichan over the Rocky Mountains into the landlocked interior for more than 6000 years.  Our ancestors all over the world knew their brethren needed this fish, they may not have known the fish had Iodine, but they knew it was keeping them alive. 

The Greeks and Romans traded pickled fish called Garum.  This was a huge industry, and kept their legions fortified inside the landlocked states

Has one of the lowest incidences in the world of cancers of the thyroid, ovaries and prostate.  It is estimated by some that the average Japanese has 13.5 mg of daily iodine, this is almost 90 times the U.S. RDA of 150mcg.  The average Japanese person eats seaweed every day.

Lugol's Iodine
In addition to eating seaweed, and small ocean fish like anchovies and sardines, I recommend supplementing with Lugol's Iodine.  It's the same formula for the past 190 years.  Lugol's is a formula, not a brand name,  There are many makes of the Lugol's formula that can be found on line.  I recommend the Lugol's 5% formula.

Salt Loading Protocol
When supplementing with Lugol's Iodine, it's important that you are getting enough salt, NaCL, that is sodium chloride for your body to optimally function. Sodium is the 9th most common element in the body, and Chloride is the 10th most common element.

SThere are four halogens, and they are Bromine, Chlorine, Fluoride, and Iodine. If we are deficient in Iodine, these other halogens can sit down in place of iodine in the thyroid and other sensitive areas in our bodies.

Iodine moves toxins, and when we move any toxins around inside our body, it's extremely important that our detox pathways are open.  The toxins need to be dispelled, and not just redistributed.  The bowels need to be running properly, dumping our current load of toxins before we start moving more.
Epsom Flush — Reduce Your Toxic Load


Additional notes.

We can sometimes take a small dose of iodine the first couple of days starting out, feel great, decide to up the dose too quickly and then by day three or four feel like, WOW, where did that bus come from?
Mercury Heroes

This is a great in depth article on iodine:

A good but dense article about Iodine is from the Weston Price Foundation.

This is a good article from Dr Sircus about Iodine

Watch out for the symptoms of bromine detoxification when taking iodine.  It scares many people off because they think iodine is causing the symptoms, but it’s displacement of other neurotoxins.

A very common symptom is to develop a bromide rash as the bromine leaves the body.  Bromine is not just stored in the thyroid, it can be stored in other organs including the kidneys, lymph system and sweat glands.  Bromine is still a main ingredient in most cold medicines.  It’s listed as HBr.  Also, Alka-Seltzer was at one time called Bromo-Seltzer.

Dr Sircus goes into detail about Iodine Phobia and Salt here:

The story of a Roman ship loaded with Garum.

Grease trails over the Rocky Mountains

Grease trail images.  The Oolichan was also known as the Hooligan.

This is a good article on how Iodine cleans the neurotoxins out of the body.



Monthly Newsletter

July 2016 Update

We had a great time at Figment Boston presenting “The Boston Vaccine Party.”
One woman picked up one of my anti-vaccine postcards and said,  “I don’t believe in this.  I believe in vaccines.“

For Good Health
I take these supplements. 
Buffered ascorbate           

Brazilian doctors on the ground, in the field, treating Zika infected moms and babies, declared up front that the Zika virus was not being caused by Zika alone. Zika infected mothers already had Guillian-Barré syndrome before they became infected.  How does one get Guillian-Barré?  It all too often comes from a vaccine.  In fact, it’s the most common paid out illness caused by the flu vaccines.

Brazilian doctors clearly stated they thought the increase of infants born with microcephaly was coming from poisonings by Sumitomo Chemical’s mosquito larvacide Pyriproxyfen.  It’s not that Zika doesn’t exist, it’s that microcephaly is mercury, or another toxin, Sumitomo’s Pyriproxyfen, and the Zika virus together.

This is the same scam that was done with the gold-standard-poster child of vaccine efficacy, polio.  In the 1950’s, the pharmaceutical industry invented the polio vaccine at the exact same time it was being busted for poisoning so many children with mercury in teething powders.  The disease was called acrodynia, pink disease.

Recent News
Coca-Cola owns the CDC.

Book me, Albert Wilking, for an event, counseling or coaching session.