Epsom Salt vs Chelation



Until very recently I was big on mercury chelation with ALA, DMSA or DMPS.  I was a chelation fanatic.  I had the words of a certain "chelation guru" all over the Mercury Free Kids pages.  I was also recommending limiting sulfur intake from my own knowledge and experience.  In 2004 I had learned to limit my thiol intake because it was causing me pain and swelling with my chronic Lyme disease.

ALA, DMSA, DMPS are all sulfur based.  The human body cannot detox without sulfur.  In fact, our body’s own homemade detox essentials, glutathione, and alpha-lipoic acid are sulfur based.

Today, Epsom salt is changing my belief system, and my life.  Maybe Mercury Free Kids should be called Kids Loaded Up On Sulfur, because anyone filled up with sulfur, will be protected from mercury.  Sick people are sulfur/sulfate deficient. 


There are enormous sulfur deficiencies in people, and modern healthcare medicaments, phenol based medicines, make us sulfur deficient. 

Autistic children are chronically sulfur deficient.

Practicing 'chelation', to move mercury, by limiting sulfur intake, is a traumatic roller coaster ride for most people.  With enough sulfur/sulfate, our bodies make the exact amount of ALA and Glutathione they need, all day, everyday.

Cutting back thiols may not be a good idea for people who are having regular BM's, and flushing out toxins.  However, I don't recommend anyone increase sulfur intake, from any source, and remain constipated.

Get the sulfate levels up with Magnesium Sulfate, and keep them up, and the body will start making the ALA, or the glutathione it needs to detox mercury, and other metals as it sees fit. Rather than us guessing as to what our body needs, and or trying to force it to do something it doesn't want to do, let’s give our bodies the raw materials they need to do their jobs.

I recommend everyone ingest Magnesium Sulfate, and find the right level for you of it as a daily supplement.  I would do this for at least 60 days, then possibly pursue chelation with a formal chelator if you think you need it.

If you start to have weird reactions to the Magnesium Sulfate, feel free to make comments below, or join the Facebook group

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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!

The Autism Sulfur Trap - #AutismSulfurTrap


It is now clear to me from my research that sulfur is the number one element that human beings need to function properly, and to detoxify our bodies.  Without an adequate supply of sulfur, we will limp along with health problems and diseases.  We will accumulate toxins as the body stores them rather than disposes of them.  Our body will use our sulfur reserves to combat poisonous coal-tar medicines, and it will affect our ability to function.  Without an adequate sulfur intake, our body can not make the insulin needed to balance our blood sugar.  We will not be able to make Glutathione, our number one detoxifier.  Our skin, hair and intestines will be compromised when we are sulfur deficient.  The Mesentery, the collage/keratin like connective tissue that holds our internal organs in place will fail.  We will develop the intestinal diseases, the ones so many are plagued with today.  Our children's well being and development will be compromised without adequate sulfur.

The articles included here offer more than enough proof that there is a correlation between sulfur deficiencies and autism.  However, putting it into an understandable clearly defined well written post has been difficult for me.  I'm in the middle of discovering this myself, and you are right along with me. 

My take away from this is we need suflur in the form of sulfate, and magnesium sulfate is the perfect essential for us to get it.

I am open to any insights that you may have. 

Albert Wilking

Please read Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing for background on Magnesium Sulfate.  It is the first in this series, and It will help you understand the importance of sulfur in our lives.



I believe we are intentionally being kept in the dark about our need for sulfur.

"In 1860, I.G. Farben (Bayer) first produced chemical fertilizers from coal tar. By 1938, Nelson Rockefeller and Prescott Bush contracted with I.G. Farben to develop and aggressively market ammonium nitrate and ammonia sulfate as chemical fertilizers."

In this interview Stephanie Seneff says this about sulfate in the gastrointestinal tract.  Autistic kids have issues with their digestive system including leaky gut.  They also have a problem with undigested peptides and opiods in the brain.

Sulfate catalyzes the synthesis of enzymes that break down gluten and casein.

When there is not enough sulfate, those enzymes don’t work properly, and the gluten and the casein don’t get properly broken down.

The peptides end up undigested, and the gut is leaky because there is not enough sulfate to build a barrier.  The peptides get into the blood, they make their way past the blood-brain barrier for the same reason, and this reason is the barriers are deficient in cholesterol sulfate.

When the peptides get into the brain, they cause this opiod like effect, just like morphine would in the brain of the autistic child, or anybody who has this kind of leaky gut problem.

All the intestinal issues, Crohn’s, IBS, Colitis are related to the sulfur deficiency problem.

Glutathione is responsible for detoxification, and we make our glutathione from cysteine.


Gliadorphin (also known as gluteomorphin) is an opioid peptide that is formed during digestion of the gliadin component of the gluten protein. It is usually broken down into amino acids by digestion enzymes. It has been hypothesized that children with autism have abnormal leakage from the gut of this compound. This is partly the basis for the gluten-free, casein-free diet. Abnormally high levels of gliadorphin have been found in the urine of autistic children via mass spectrometry testing

Sulphur Transferase Abnormalities
"Waring (1993), encouraged and supported by O'Reilly (1993) and other parents, has published data which convincingly demonstrates deficiencies in the sulphur- transferase capabilities of people with autism. They have demonstrated also that this inadequacy is the consequence not of an absence of the responsible enzyme (sulphur transferase) but of the sulphate ions which are needed if the sulphation is to be accomplished."

This is the most comprehensive program I have found that uses Epsom salt to help recover Autistic children.  However, the program does not appear to use it internally.  There are lots of methods in this link to get Magneisum Sulfate into our bodies through transdermal absorption.  This method is rooted in the Feingold program, however, their main concentration is on the diet.  I believe children and adults today need immediate relief.

"Dr Rosemary Waring found that most people with autism conditions have a deficiency in a key detoxification pathway. The pathway involves using sulfur in the form of sulfate (known as sulfation). The enzyme involved is phenol sulfur-transferase (PST), but the problem is thought to hinge on an inadequate supply of usable sulfate ions, not the metabolic enzyme itself."

"Symptoms of PST/sulfate deficiency (problems with phenols/salicylates) are reddened ears, hyperactivity, inappropriate laughter, night sweats, black under eyes, excessive thirst, eczema, facial flushing, trouble falling to sleep, disturbed sleep and odorous bed-clothes."

"Tylenol is phenolic and one or two minutes after a dose ofTylenol, the entire supply of sulfate in the liver is gone!"

"Salicylates are chemicals found naturally in some plants, stored in the bark, leaves, roots, skin and seeds, where they protect the plants against insect damage and disease. In the human body, salicylate has been shown to have an effect on certain neuron receptors, to suppress some enzymes including the enzyme phenol sulfotransferase (PST), to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis..."

Dr. Megson hypothesized that the reason why more males than females are diagnosed as autistic has to do with the female hormone, estrogen.  Estrogen has been shown to increase blood levels of glutathione in experimental animals.  Mitochondrial glutathione levels and antioxidant capacity have been reported to be higher in females than in males. Taken together, the evidence suggests that both cellular methylation capacity and antioxidant activity are higher in females than males. The increased rate of methionine transsulfuration and glutathione antioxidant activity in females may protect females from developing autism.

"...Some kids have reactions to phenols. Phenols are chemicals in certain foods like dark fruits and vegetables. Phenol reaction for most kids can manifest as hyperactivity, irritability, agitation and a sense of being over excited with respects to behavior. We know that phenol sensitivity can also lead to headaches and psychiatric issues. A good example is artificial food colors. If you have seen your child have a behavioral problem after eating an artificial color you are likely seeing a phenol response. The chemical in the body that helps process phenols is sulfate." http://autismrecoverytreatment.com/epsom-salt-and-autism/

"Coal tar was discovered around 1665 and used for medical purposes as early as the 1800s.  It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.  Coal tar is available as a generic medication and over the counter.  In the United Kingdom 125 ml of 5% shampoo costs the NHS about 1.89 pounds.  In the United States a month of treatment costs less than 25 USD.  Coal-tar was one of the key starting materials for the early pharmaceutical industry."

Coal tar is one of the by-products when coal is made into coke and coal gas.  It is a complex mixture of phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heterocyclic compounds.

The mesentery is a continuous set of tissues which is formed by the double fold of peritoneum that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen. The term mesentery is used for the small intestine; and mesenteric organ is sometimes used to refer to the rest of the mesentery that incorporates the mesocolon, mesoappendix, mesosigmoid and mesorectum. It has been proposed for reclassification as an organ due to research at the University of Limerick in the 2010s.

Interesting that Autism Speaks has created a progrram called PST, Parents Skills Training, and when doing a Google search, the research about Phenol Sulfur-Transferase is buried further down the page.  To a parent confused about how to help their child, Autism Speaks appears as an authority on the subject.  When clicking on the Autsim Speaks web page PST link, it takes us to a page with NO mention of Phenol Sulfur-Transferase.  It's a dead end.

Google search of 'Autism PST'

Here is a link to Epsom Salts on Amazon  


Phenols and Zinc make Benzene
Phenol is reduced to benzene when it is distilled with zinc dust.

Benzene is a known carcinogen.  My take on this is if you are ingesting Zinc, you better be pooping.

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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!


Pfizer Vaccine Fraud

This is a scam that Parke Davis was running in 1913.  Parke Davis later became Pfizer.  7 years after it started it this ruse, it was running in full force even after credible medical papers complained.  It has nothing to do with the well being of general public, and everything to do with making money at our expense.

The Phylacogen Business.  #PfizerFraud

Our profession – and through it the public – is being exploited by some pharmaceutical houses.  In the editorial department, this week, something is said about “this Phylacogen business: - and, by the way, “business” is a most appropriate word to use in this connection.  Parke, Davis & Co. have taken a dangerous and unproved agent-one that has not passed the test of scientific investigation-and are putting it on the market apparently with but one object in view, that of forcing it on the profession.  Every medical journal of importance that accepts this kind of advertising is getting some of “this Phylacogen business;” every pharmaceutical journal is also getting some of “this Phylacogen business;” every uncritical physician who is willing to gamble with his patients health is getting some of “this Phylacogen business.”  And the public?  Well the public doesn’t matter…


The not so honorable Healthcare Industry running a scam.  Today, same scam, different century.

The not so honorable Healthcare Industry running a scam.  Today, same scam, different century.

This is an excerpt of an article critical of Parke Davis (Pfizer) and their Phylacogen scam.

Our profession – and through it the public – is being exploited by some pharmaceutical houses.  In the editorial department, this week, something is said about “this Phylacogen business: - and, by the way, “business” is a most appropriate word to use in this connection.  Parke, Davis & Co. have taken a dangerous and unproved agent-one that has not passed the test of scientific investigation-and are putting it on the market apparently with but one object in view, that of forcing it on the profession.  Every medical journal of importance that accepts this kind of advertising is getting some of “this Phylacogen business;” every pharmaceutical journal is also getting some of “this Phylacogen business;” every uncritical physician who is willing to gamble with his patients health is getting some of “this Phylacogen business.”  And the public?  Well the public doesn’t matter…

Pfizer - Phalacogn Scam 1913.jpg

The full page advertisement form Parke Davis in 1920.

Pfizer Phylacogen Scam 1913.jpg

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please leave your comments,
and reviews in the Discuss Comments section
at the bottom of this page.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!



Wilking - Go Fund Me


My name is Albert Wilking, and I teach people how to use the building blocks of life for detox, and reconnecting to their lust for life.

In 2015, after researching mercury poisoning for several years, and recovering from it myself, I started MercuryFreeKids.org, with a mission of having all children mercury free by year 2020.  I wrote and lectured about the debilitating, and sometimes-deadly effects of mercury poisoning.  I also realized that there were serious problems with existing mercury detox methods.  With an unhealthy gut microbiome, many people are attempting to detox, redistributing toxins, and seriously injuring themselves in the process.

By late 2016, I had developed the basics of The Wilking Protocol.  The mission of The Wilking Protocol teaches others to safely detox, while recovering their gut microbiome in the process. The Wilking Protocol basic building blocks of human life are Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), salt, potassium, and vitamin C.  Articles I have written supporting the importance of these essentials are:
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing

Salt Is Life

Potassium Truth

Vitamin C or Your Life

Detoxing from mercury and other toxins is a complicated affair, because there can be many adverse reactions caused by their displacement.  I have a saying, ‘Mercury poisons on the way in, and it poisons on the way out.’

Mercury Heroes

In February 2017, I started a Facebook group, and the group has grown to more than 1700 members.  It is a supportive and nurturing community based on trust, and using the essential nutrients to human life.  It’s an interactive group and think tank, where people proactively gain control of their own well-being, and help each other feel better in the process

Adults, children, and parents in The Wilking Protocol Facebook group are feeling and seeing great improvements in their gut-brain connection, by detoxing and recovering their gut microbiomes.

Moderating the group is a full time job.  We need financial support to continue with our mission.  Other avenues of income are also developing.  A nutritionist has just started an on line store that sells the essentials needed for the Wilking Protocol.  I am also helping people detox through private consulting.  https://www.thewilkingprotocol.com/

The Wilking Protocol Facebook group is a microcosm of what can happen in our world in a much larger way, but I need the support of people like you.  Whether it be financial support, helping spread the word, or even encouraging your friends and neighbors to join, every little bit helps.

Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing



Most mercury toxic people need to be doing Epsom Salt flushes. I recommend doing at least one a week starting out with the Wilking Protocol, unless there are some extenuating circumstances.  As always, check with your doctor to see if our protocol, and an Epsom salt flush is right for you.

Our bodies will not detox from mercury without sulfur, and many of us long-time poisoned mercury types are very deficient in sulfur.  Anyone with arthritis, loss of hair, a skin condition, nail problems, bowel troubles, feelings of depression or anxiety, eye and ear problems, are sulfur deficient.

Using Epsom salts to flush our intestines and liver allows us to open them back up for business.  The body can then dispose of toxins like mercury through our GI tract, rather than sending it to the kidneys or skin.  Our skin breathes a little easier, and the stress comes off our adrenal glands sitting on top of our kidneys.  Our body can use the glutathione it makes to help us feel better, rather than chasing mercury around like a teacher who can't give any of the other students attention because there is a really bad kid in class.

When we flush with Epsom we begin to open up our detox pathways.  By increasing our sulfur intake, and flushing, we flush the excess sulfur right along with a bunch of retained toxins.  Pulsing the magnesium sulfate like this, helps us to avoid a kickback response where the body moves too much mercury too fast, or gets backed up on the sulfur.

From your local pharmacy or drug store,
buy a USP grade Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate,)
 where it gives clear directions on how to use it as a laxative. 
Follow those directions.

I am going to explain again why I recommend regular Epsom salt flushes.  You don't want to increase essential elements into your body without pooping more. This is how we end up going back to Pharmaceuticals looking for some kind of drug or relief for a symptom.  Everything we ingest goes through a cyclical process. In other words, if we take in sulfur, it goes through a 'sulfur cycle' in our bodies.  If the back end of the cycle isn't up to the task, we can get stuck with excess sulfite, or some other problem.  The glutathione our cells made with the Epsom (magnesium sulfate) can turn into a free radical, and it can start attacking our own cells. This happens because all the parts of our sulfur cycle are NOT in place.  Sulfur is the 8th most common element in the human body.  Most sick people have some problem with their sulfur cycle(s).  For example, we can not detox from mercury if we don't have enough sulfur.   For instance, our body can be running around trying to deal with mercury, using all available sulfur, and then it doesn't have enough sulfur to repair our skin, or make our intestines nice and tight so that they don't leak.  However, if we take in a bunch of sulfur, we can end up moving a bunch of mercury with no place for it to go, or we end up as I describe in the scenario above.  By pulsing the essentials into our bodies, by doing flushes, we then have a transportation system with on and off ramps, and lights, and policemen that direct the traffic. If we don't pulse it, and just start raising our doses of essentials we can end up with traffic jams all over the place, and a lot of angry drivers, and a lot of miscreants (mercury) with nowhere for them to go.

The healthcare industry tells us Epsom Salts are to be used only for Detox Baths, and reducing inflammation from swelling.  They also tell us that we can take them ‘occasionally’ for constipation.  Epsom Salts, MgSO4, Magnesium Sulfate, is commonly found in our local drug store on the bottom shelf, covered with dust. 
What are they NOT telling us?

Western Healthcare is NOT telling us that they use MgSO4 intravenously to heal people.  Instead, we are told that we can easily reach a state of hypermagnesemia, and that we can die from it.  The primary reference for this statement is from a death in 1943 from an Epsom salt enema

Let's keep this in perspective.  There are 75,000 emergency room visits a year because of Tylenol, acetaminophen poisoning.  Tylenol, with acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, wrecks the sulfur stores in our livers and body.

The scare tactics used by the healthcare industry to keep people away from Magnesium Sulfate, from getting hypermagesemia, are rooted in their own poisonings of people with magnesium sulfate IV’s, and even then the evidence is sketchy that the problem was caused by IV magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium sulfate IV’s are used for treating severe cases of asthma, preeclampsia, extreme body convulsions, ventricular arrhythmia's (heart attacks), tetanus, jaundice, detoxing people from acetaminiophen poisonings, and benzodiazepine withdrawal.

We are never told to use magnesium sulfate as a daily dietary supplement.  Instead, we are told it is not recommended.  I have personally found it extremely difficult to find references to anyone taking a daily maintenance dose of MgSO4.  How much Epsom salt would be required to meet our Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) needs of Magnesium?  About 1/3 teaspoon.  What else do Epsom salts contain that the For-Profit Healthcare Industry might hide from us?  Sulfur.

To make insulin, two peptide bonds are tied together with a disulfide bond, that's sulfur, and without enough insulin, we become diabetic.  For good health, our skin and hair require sulfur.  The burning smell of hair is from the sulfur contained in keratin.  Our glutathione detoxification system requires sulfur.  Our production of the amino acid cysteine requires sulfur.

If you have ever taken acetaminophen, Tylenol, coal-tar medicine, and you haven't loaded up on sulfur, the Coal-Tar may still be in your liver.  Our bodies cannot detoxify from coal-tar medicines if we do not have enough sulfur.  We cannot detoxify from mercury without sulfur.  The body requires glutathione to detox, and sulfur is part of it's chemical compounding.  If the body does not have enough sulfur to run it's metabolic processes, it will break down essential cysteine, methionine, and glutathione to access the sulfur molecule.

In the 1930’s, crop fertilizers in the United States of America began to exclusively use ammonia.  Sulfur was dropped as a fertilizer.  Is it possible there is collusion between our government and the big business food industry?  Incredibly, there is NO Recommended Daily Allowance for Sulfur.  It doesn’t exist.  Sulfur, an essential mineral to our health, and there is NO RDA for it?

Parents are detoxing their autistic children with Epsom Salt baths.  Constipated people take MgSO4 for emergency clean-outs.  Magnesium sulfate reduces swelling of our broken or sprained limbs.  The healthcare industry injects it into our bodies.  However, the Healthcare Industry has NO recommended daily dose of Sulfur!  There is no RDA for Sulfur?!





If necessary, you may add anything you like to mask the taste of the Epsom salts.  Juices of lemon, orange, apple or any other juice is fine.

'To treat constipation with Epsom salt, follow dosage guidelines. For adults and children 12 years old and older, dissolve 2-4 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately. For children 6 to 11 years old, dissolve 1-2 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately.'

Epsom salt usually produces a bowel movement within 30 minutes to six hours. A dose or two should clear up acute constipation.


Although many websites have warnings not to give small children Epsom salts, I can find no verified reason as to what the danger of it would be.  Instead, Western Healthcare prescribes proven poisons like Miralax.

This website says this:
'For children of above 1 year age, take 1/2 teaspoon in cup of cold water or juice.'

My recommendation is to proceed with caution, and as a caregiver, you should always administer a treatment to yourself first, before doing it with a child.




Sulfur toxicity is just a fantasy.  NO one on the planet has ever died from consuming too much sulfur, although some people have died from breathing in sulfur fumes.  If anyone had ever died from ingesting sulfur, don't you think the healthcare industry would have a fancy name for a sulfur toxicity?  If they wanted us to know about Sulfur deficiency, wouldn't they have a fancy name for it too? 

Here are the names of some common examples of getting too much of an essential.
HyperMagnesia - Too much Magnesium
HyperKalemia - Too much Potassium
HyperNatremia - Too much Sodium
HyperCalcemia - Too much Calcium
HyperOxia - Too much Oxygen
Hemochromatosis - Too much Iron

Where is the name for a poisoning from too much sulfur?  There isn't one, It doesn't exist! 

If you wanted to make money poisoning people, and then treating the symptoms, how could it be done?  Have the approved governmental healthcare authority, the FDA or NIH, leave an essential to our health off the list of essentials to our heath, and then eliminate that essential from the food supply, so we can not detox from the poisons delivered to use by the Healthcare Industry, poisons like Mercury, Fluoride, Bromine, Acetaminophen, Polysorbate 80, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, MSG...



I like much of this article.  However, I do not agree that methionine is a good source of sulfur for a mercury toxic person.  Loose sulfur/thiols can cause mercury redistribution.

'In 1860, I.G. Farben (Bayer) first produced chemical fertilizers from coal tar. By 1938, Nelson Rockefeller and Prescott Bush contracted with I.G. Farben to develop and aggressively market ammonium nitrate and ammonia sulfate as chemical fertilizers.'

'The process they used for these required heat and naturally occurring sulfur is one of the most temperature-sensitive of all elements. These fertilizers are devoid of sulfur due to the 360 degree F temperatures used for production; this temperature is 100 degrees over the vaporization point of sulfur.'


To learn more about acetaminophen poisoning and sulfur deficiency, please read down to at least the 2nd paragraph in this article.
'Factors that can reduce the availability of methionine/cysteine.'


'Sulfur is known as a healing mineral, and a sulfur deficiency often leads to pain and inflammation associated with various muscle and skeletal disorders. Sulfur plays a role in many biological processes, one of which is metabolism. It is present in insulin, the essential hormone that promotes the utilization of sugar derived from carbohydrates for fuel in muscle and fat cells.'



There are so many pages here I'm just giving you the Google search for it.


A child that gets a dangerously high fever should never be given Tylenol or acetaminophen.  Instead, Magnesium Sulfate appears to be the treatment of choice for safe fever reduction, and the prevention of epileptic seizures.


Instead of strong recommendations to supplement with sulfur, we get alternative healthcare misinformation campaigns to do genetic testing, testing that will be moot when we get the essentials to good health.  Mercury is an epigenetic.  Get rid of the mercury, the genes go back to the way they were intended to be.


'What dose of intravenous (IV) magnesium sulfate should be used in the treatment of acute severe asthma?
Response from James E. Gern, MD.'

'There have been a number of studies to evaluate the usefulness of IV magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) in the treatment of acute exacerbations of asthma, and most have used 1.2-2 g IV over 20 minutes administered soon after the subject presented for care.[1] The MgSO4 was generally administered in combination with standard asthma therapy such as nebulized beta-adrenergic agonists and either oral or IV corticosteroid. In general, no benefits have been observed in subjects with mild-to-moderate airway obstruction, but there is some evidence that MgSO4 might be efficacious in subjects with severe airway obstruction.'

'For example, in a large multicenter study of 248 subjects with acute severe asthma, treatment with MgSO4 2 g IV was beneficial in the subset of patients who presented with severe airway obstruction (forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] < 25% predicted), but not in subjects with less severe airway obstruction.[2] However, not all investigators have found benefits in severely affected individuals. Porter and colleagues[3] conducted a double-blinded placebo-controlled trial involving 42 subjects who presented to an emergency department with a peak expiratory flow rate < 100 L/min (or < 25% predicted). Treatment with MgSO4 2 g IV in addition to standard therapy was not helpful, and in fact, the treated subjects had significantly lower peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) 1 hour after receiving the medication.'

'In summary, the use of IV magnesium in acute severe asthma remains controversial, but can be considered for patients with acute severe asthma who do not respond to standard therapy. Additional studies are needed to better define which patients are most likely to benefit from this treatment.'

'Magnesium deficiency plays an important role in alcohol withdrawal syndromes. Parenteral replacement of magnesium in the form of magnesium sulfate is safe and diminishes the severity of withdrawal symptoms in recently alcohol-abstinent patients. Early diagnosis of withdrawal illness and institution of magnesium replacement therapy decrease the need for benzodiazepines, diminish withdrawal complications and reduce the length of hospital stay. Testing for serum magnesium levels is useful, but experience supports the empiric use of magnesium replacement therapy in alcohol withdrawal.'

'In severe cases of preeclampsia, doctors often recommend antiseizure medications. One such medication is called magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate is a mineral that reduces seizure risks in women with preeclampsia. A healthcare provider will give the medication intravenously, or into the body through a vein. Sometimes, it’s also used to prolong pregnancy for up to two days. This allows time for corticosteroid drugs to improve the baby’s lung function.'


The healthcare industry makes money if we are deficient in sulfur, Oxytocin, a compound made in our bodies contains sulfur.  Without sulfur will not have enough of our body's own home made feel goods, and the healthcare industry steps in and supplements their for-profit replacements for our own deficiencies.

'Oxytocin is normally produced by the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary.  It plays a role in social bonding, sexual reproduction in both sexes, and during and after childbirth.  Oxytocin is released into the bloodstream as a hormone in response to stretching of the cervix and uterus during labor and with stimulation of the nipples from breastfeeding.  This helps with birth, bonding with the baby, and milk production.'

When the healthcare industry interferes with this bonding, they have customers for life.



In a study on Epsom salt baths, Magnesium and Sulfur are absorbed.

No volunteer complained of any adverse effects, even at MgSO4 levels of 2.5%. Possible effects on the kidneys were tested by measuring urinary protein content. This did not change significantly, whichever Epsom salt levels were used, over the 8-day period. Kidney damage is therefore not an issue.



'The most extensively studied of the microbes involved in colonic sulfur metabolism are the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which are common colonic inhabitants. Many other microbial pathways are likely to shape colonic sulfur metabolism as well as the composition and availability of sulfated compounds, and these interactions need to be examined in more detail. Hydrogen sulfide is the sulfur derivative that has attracted the most attention in the context of colonic health, and the extent to which it is detrimental or beneficial remains in debate. Several lines of evidence point to SRB or exogenous hydrogen sulfide as potential players in the etiology of intestinal disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and colorectal cancer in particular.'

'While the process of assimilatory sulfate reduction is widespread among microbes, only restricted microbial groups are capable of dissimilatory sulfate reduction (Figure 2). The sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are notable as the only microbes in intestinal ecosystems that rely on inorganic sulfate for conservation of energy.'

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

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