Naturules Belly Breath

NR Belly Breath.jpg

Alligators and crocodiles have almost no senescence. Senescence is a degradation of cells over time or with age. Basically, they would not die if it wasn’t for poisonings or injuries. They can hold their breath for up to 2 hours, and they haven’t evolved in about 200 million years. They are doing some things right!

Humans take about 17,000 breaths a day. That is 12 breaths a minute, times 60 minutes an hour, times 24 hours, and yet so many of us have so little control over our breath.

In November 2019, when I was camping in the Ocala National Forest, a couple of nights it was in the upper 30's, and low 40's, and damp. At that time I started doing the Wim Hof Method of breathing, and I have felt myself push away the cold. I have had a problem of getting cold, and staying cold my entire life.  Iodine has helped, but there was still something missing.

Many people have been injured, whether emotionally, or physically, and that may set them into shallow patterns of breathing in the upper chest. We may even be having the breath of a fight or flight response.  If we are shallow breathing, we can end up retaining ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), like carbon dioxide, or some other toxic substance. This can set our body up for an anaerobic food fest, where our bacteria starts fermenting, rather than feeding our bacteria oxygen that keeps predominantly in an aerobic state.

Ron Hruska is a breathing practitioner that helps people breathe by adjusting their sternum, and gets them to use diaphragmatic breathing.

Lets say we have a shoulder injury, and we can blame the shoulder for the problem, but it may be our sternum where we hold onto that injury.  Here is an article about Ron. He is the practitioner’s practitioner.

We need oxygen coming in to get the ROS (reactive oxygen species) out.  No matter what I ingest, without pulling out the ROS I won't be firing on all cylinders.  This is like expecting the fireplace to make a nice hot fire when the chimney is plugged up. The house will fill with smoke, and I will be going into 911 mode because the alarms are going off, I'm having trouble breathing, etc.

You may want to try Breath of Fire. I don't know if this is how the name was developed, but while lighting campfires I began to realize that the breath of fire, the hard fast exhales with NO focus on inhale was helping me get a new fire started from the smallest of embers.

For six months I have been practicing the Wim Hof Method, first thing in the morning.  However, I also find myself practicing it throughout the day. Our center of gravity is about 3 inches below the navel, and this is the same for just about anyone, no matter their weight, height or body shape. When doing Wim Hof, I have found visualizing my diaphragm being pulled down hard towards my center of gravity has be taking in wonderfully deep breaths.  I pull my diaphragm down as if it will touch my center of gravity, and maybe even bounce off of it.

This video interview with Joe Rogan is 2 1/2 hours long, but it is so worth it!   Wim Hof explains how his high aerobic breath work raises the ph of his body, and that this keeps him in a more natural aerobic state.

Regarding the Wim Hof breathing method:
I get panic attacks almost every time I do these breathing exercises. The key is to get over 90 seconds with the breath held.  Wim says that we have to go over 90 seconds to get our 'reptile' brain to trigger, and this is when we cause ourselves to create adrenaline. This creation of adrenaline is the same as if we were running a marathon, or going up on stage, or into a fight ring.  However, we are controlling it with our minds.

My update on my Wim Hof practice.

1.  Get 30 deep breaths in, down into your pelvis, as far down as you can go.  This is breathing properly through the diaphragm.  Try to get the oxygen down into your ovaries or testicles.  Try taking in more than you put out.  Go really fat when breathing in, then let some of it out, but not all of it.  Try to make yourself dizzy, or see stars, or go purple.  It’s best to do this lying down, before getting out of bed, and especially before eating. 

It doesn't matter whether you are breathing through your nose or mouth.  Just get the oxygen down into your belly.  Albert probably has just about 30 breaths right now.

2.  Breathe it all out.  I aim to hold my breathe for 120 seconds.  Mentally I count it out.  1000 one, 1000 two, and get up to 1000 15 or 1000 20, and then just count normally and slow, twenty one, twenty two. 

It doesn’t matter whether you hold your breath for 15 seconds, or 37 seconds, the point is to develop a habit of doing this every morning. This exercise puts to work the cells of our body.  The cells are no longer sitting on the couch, complaining about their lives.  They are now required to perform.

Wim Hof says that this is the equivalent of running 3 to 5 miles.  I have lost about 20 pounds in 6 months.

After 6 months of doing this, this is far better than any meditation I have ever done.  Sometimes, I am finding myself incredibly still for many seconds at a time.  My brain becomes relaxed, and that constant train of thoughts goes away.  My body isn’t twitching, and I’m not consciously, or unconsciously triggering movements in my body.  However, the opposite can happen, and it often does for many people just starting this habit.

Between 90 seconds and 120 seconds, even after 6 months of doing this, I can and often do experience moments of extreme terror.Like I’m going to be smothered, or I will never breathe again, or I will die.I will never come out of it.Its so strange that on average each person on the planet takes about 17,000 breaths.That’s 12 breaths a minute, and 720 breaths an hour times 24 hours.

3.  When you can't hold it out anymore, then let a big breathe in and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds.  I do this actively, where I consciously put pressure into parts of myself, and in distinct locations.  It feels to me like I am pushing oxygen there.I squeeze it into parts of myself that I previously thought I might burst.  I push it into my ears, or brain, or down into my testicles, wherever I feel like it needs it.  I can feel the pressure in my eyes, or the veins bulging in my neck.  I have heard some call this Isometrics, but to me it feels deeper. 

Here is my version of the Wim Hof method of breathing. Vanessa Wilking narrates.



Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told - #PotassiumTruth

This is an illustration of the Salem Witch Trials.

This is an illustration of the Salem Witch Trials.


I have read some estimates that only 2% of the population is actually getting the 3700 mg of the US RDA for potassium.  Yet the FDA has a ruling that no supplement can contain more than 99 mg of potassium.  This appears to be another smoke screen.  If we were all getting enough potassium, would anyone be sick?
What the heck is going on?

The amount of misinformation coming out of the For-Profit Healthcare industry is overwhelming.  I'm having a hard time finding anyone who has ever expired from a potassium overdose.  One man appears to have died in 1837, but it's unclear if Potassium was the actual cause.  Here is what Wikipedia says about using Cream of Tartar, (COT), Potassium Bitarate, as a laxative.

Cream of tartar (COT) has been used internally as a purgative. Use as a purgative is dangerous because an excess of potassium, or hyperkalemia, may occur.


Do they have any actual data or studies to back up this statement? 

In all 3 mentioned poisonings in this link, the subjects appear to have ingested about 5-6 tablespoons, and that would be a dose of about 16 grams of elemental potassium.  Interestingly, this same link talks about the history of Cream Of Tartar (COT) as a laxative.

Cream of tartar has a long history as a medicinal purgative. For instance, included among Lewis and Clark's medicinal supplies was two pounds of cream of tartar; in his diary Clark describes treating a “dangerously ill” child with cream of tartar. Other historical publications also extolled the usefulness of cream of tartar as a diuretic for the treatment of edema and as a cathartic and laxative.

One of potassium's biggest roles in our bodies is to regulate the amount of sodium entering and exiting our cells, thereby controlling the amount of fluid we retain or excrete. This maintains the body's pH levels, which ensures that our cellular processes proceed at an appropriate rate.

This link may be the best single source for info in this article on how Potassium works, and why it's vital to our health.
Potassium is very important in the human body. Along with sodium, it regulates the water balance and the acid-base balance in the blood and tissues. Potassium enters the cell more readily than does sodium and instigates the brief sodium-potassium exchange across the cell membranes. In the nerve cells, this sodium-potassium flux generates the electrical potential that aids the conduction of nerve impulses. When potassium leaves the cell, it changes the membrane potential and allows the nerve impulse to progress. This electrical potential gradient, created by the "sodium-potassium pump," helps generate muscle contractions and regulates the heartbeat. Another of the pump's most important functions is preventing the swelling of cells. If sodium is not pumped out, water accumulates within the cell causing it to swell and ultimately burst.

Though sodium is readily conserved by the body, there is no effective method for potassium conservation. Even when a potassium shortage exists, the kidneys continue to excrete it. Because the human body relies on potassium balance for a regularly contracting heart and a healthy nervous system, it is essential to strive for this electrolyte's balance.

Fatigue is the most common symptom of chronic potassium deficiency.  Early symptoms include muscle weakness, slow reflexes, and dry skin or acne; these initial problems may progress to nervous disorders, insomnia, slow or irregular heartbeat, and loss of gastrointestinal tone.

What are the most essential nutrients to human life?  This chart puts it in perspective.  Keep in mind that SALT is NaCL, Na and CL, sodium chloride.

If you suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney stones, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, obesity, headaches, pain in the eyes, muscle spasms, "restless leg syndrome," fatigue, or muscle tension, to name a few, you may be deficient in potassium.

"Not only does the lack of potassium in our diet affect many health conditions, but several medications being used to treat certain "diseases" are actually causing potassium deficiency.  Examples include: diuretics, laxatives, cortisone, aspirin, cardiac drugs, steroids, and certain therapies used to treat advanced liver disease."

The following also corroborates a safe upper limit for potassium intake.  However, I see no record of anyone having cardiac arrest from these levels.

"Although there is no established safe upper limit, potassium toxicity appears to develop with an intake of approximately 18,000 mgs and may lead to cardiac arrest." Considering this information, you can see that, while possible, it would be very difficult to overdose on potassium.

In Hyperkalemia, certain drugs can cause potassium levels to rise. These include very widely-used blood pressure medications known as ACE-inhibitors, potassium supplements given with diuretics (also called “water pills”), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as lithium, calcium channel blockers, and blood thinning agents such as heparin.

Potassium is essential for several homeostatic and cellular processes. As a result, low levels of this mineral hamper normal kidney functions and neuromuscular activities. The current article describes more about the signs and symptoms of low potassium levels in the body.

This clearly states that the intestinal bloating and swelling so many of us have experienced may be related to a potassium deficiency.  With Potassium, SIBO may be a thing of the past.
"SIBO develops when the normal checks and balances that control intestinal bacterial populations are disrupted. The two processes that most commonly predispose one to develop small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are DIMINISHED STOMACH ACID (HCl, potassium and sodium chloride)"

This article has specific methods of potassium supplementation to treat arthritis, fight infections, quit smoking, and prevent gallstones.

The following is an excerpt about hormones from an article by Analytical Research Labs, a hair testing company.  It does a good job of explaining the relationship between salt and potassium in the body.

Aldosterone is called a mineralocorticoid hormone. Its primary function is to increase sodium retention by the kidneys. Aldosterone levels roughly correlate with sodium levels on a hair mineral analysis. Aldosterone is a pro-inflammatory hormone required to initiate a healing reaction.

Cortisol and cortisone are referred to as glucocorticoid hormones because they cause conversion of amino acids and glycogen to glucose. The corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory and provide a mild sense of euphoria. Cortisol levels roughly correspond to the potassium level on a hair mineral analysis.

A balance between aldosterone and cortisol is necessary to maintain one's health. This balance is associated with the ratio of sodium to potassium on a hair analysis. If aldosterone secretion is high ratio-wise to cortisol, inflammatory conditions such as gastritis, colitis, arthritis, bursitis and sinusitis prevail. This often corresponds with a high ratio of sodium to potassium on a hair analysis.

If cortisol secretion is high ratio-wise to aldosterone, diseases such as diabetes, immune-deficiency syndromes, infection, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, cataracts, glaucoma, coronary heart disease or cardiomyopathy may prevail. This corresponds to a low ratio of sodium to potassium on a hair analysis. Dr. Eck determined the ideal sodium/potassium ratio is about 2.5:1 in an unwashed sample of head hair.

This is the FDA's daily value (DV) for essential nutrients.  If we are to believe their 3700 mg number for potassium, and if we use the ratio of sodium to potassium in the optimum hair analysis as a guide for our daily intake, we can expect that our optimum daily salt intake would be 9250 mg.

If this converter is accurate, then long term our optimum daily salt intake of 9250 mg converts to about 1.5 teaspoons.  That's 9.25 grams of salt!

Allopathic Healthcare prescribes drugs that deplete our bodies of potassium.  Rather than give the body the potassium it needs to make cortisol, they even go so far s to poison us with fluoride.  Fludrocortisone has fluoride as part of it's chemical makeup.  

In this case, due to the mineralocorticoid properties of fludrocortisone, persistent potassium loss occurred despite continued potassium repletion. It was not until fludrocortisone was discontinued that the potassium level increased and returned to the normal range.

When concomitant hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia exist, the magnesium deficiency should be corrected first; other wise, full repletion of the potassium deficit is difficult to achieve.

They are saying increase magnesium levels first.  However, in my experience this is not always possible as some people can have a severe reaction when supplementing with magnesium.

Inflammation can take the form of any 'itis', such as arthritis, bursitis, colitis, or tendonitis.  It is a tendency for aches and pains.  A high sodium/potassium ratio is also a tendency for mental excitation.  A ratio that persists between 3 and 6 suggests a forward-looking person.  A ratio greater than 6:1 suggests aggressiveness and anger.


A study in the journal “Nature Neuroscience” investigated the role of potassium in the regulation of serotonin, the neurotransmitter primarily targeted by antidepressants. The researchers speculated that potassium channels in the brain may play an important role in serotonin regulation. Potassium appears to act as a facilitator in ensuring the brain’s ability to properly utilize serotonin. Depression is often characterized by negative thoughts such as guilt, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, low self-worth, and suicide. Potassium is required to activate neurons involved in positive thoughts and feelings. Without the electrical charge sparked by potassium, neurotransmitters like serotonin cannot be utilized to make us feel better. This may explain why even a slight decrease in potassium levels can result in significant feelings of anxiety.

I disagree with that statement that SALT raises blood pressure.  The only time I see it raising blood pressure is when a person first begins to supplement their diet with additional salt.  Pathogens die, neurotoxins are released, and the body raises BP to push toxins like mercury out of the blood stream.

The type of SALT I am talking about is NOT table salt.  See:

Potassium is a crucial mineral for restoring healthy blood pressure balance in your body, and when you don't have enough potassium, symptoms can start to emerge that may eventually be diagnosed and labeled as "high blood pressure."


However, the healthcare industry keeps the good stuff for themselves.  Look at what they are use for a full clean out:  SODIUM, POTASSIUM, MAGNESIUM
This is one of the industry standards for clean-outs.

Suprepkit is Sodium sulfate/potassium sulfate/magnesium sulfate solution, and is a laxative. It works by increasing the frequency of bowel movements by retaining water in the stool and by moving contents through the bowel.


If you are using The Wilking Protocol, you need to supplement with Potassium.  Almost everyone using the protocol has some neurotoxic accumulation, like mercury, so trying to get enough Potassium from the diet alone will not be enough for a sustained therapeutic detox.  With the protocol's consistent cleanses and flushes, we need therapeutic doses of Potassium.

Albert Wilking


Here is the Mercury Free Kids 2nd article of a two part series on Potassium.


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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Tarzan's Salt Yell

I swore off salt in the 1970's as per the official warning of the United States Surgeon General.  DON'T EAT SALT.  I avoided salt like the plague because I believed salt would make me sick.  I swallowed that misinformation campaign, hook, line, and sinker.  I then spent the rest of my life with one chronic infection followed by another.  #TarzanSaltYell

In the summer of 2016, I started understanding the importance of natural salt to human health,  In the fall of 2016, I decided to see how much I could ingest.  The salt I’m talking about is not table salt.  It’s not salt that came from a factory, and it’s not salt with anti-caking agents like aluminum oxide.  It’s NOT a salt in fancy packaging labeled Sea Salt, and/or sold in a big box store.  It's natural salt that is coarse, unevenly colored, and clumpy, like Selina’s Celtic Sea Salt.

I wanted to know exactly what this salt was going to do to me, and what it would do to someone else at higher doses, before I was going to recommend it.  My being a person who never-ever Ingested salt, this was a foreign action to me. 

At the start of my experiment I started taking in 4 or 5 teaspoons of salt in water a day, and found myself craving more.  Within a couple of weeks, I was ingesting about 8 teaspoons of salt, in water, throughout the day.  I was still craving more.  A few weeks later I was having 12 to 15 teaspoons of salt a day.   It was like I had come in from a desert made of pure distilled water (distilled water is very unhealthy), and found my life again in salt.  I have kept this under wraps up to this point because I didn't want to sound like a braggart, or that someone would think I was crazy.  However, I think you need to know this.  I'm still here, I'm healthier than I have ever been.  My kidneys are great, my skin is fantastic, my hair is thickening, and my bowels are great.  40 years of chronic infections - GONE. 

12 teaspoons of salt is about 36 grams.  That's about 15 times the RDA.

As far as I’m concerned, the following is complete BS:

The average daily sodium intake for Americans is 3,400 milligrams per day, an excessive amount that raises blood pressure and poses health risks.  In general, Americans should limit daily sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams, but this is an upper safe limit, not a recommended daily allowance.

My understanding is that before refrigeration, the average person was consuming about 20 grams of salt a day.  That would be in the range to 6 or 7 teaspoons,and this is what I currently ingest.

Although my 15 teaspoons of salt sounds heroic, that amount of salt is equivalent to the amount of salt in about ½ gallon of seawater.  If you or I or anyone else were to only drink seawater we would die.   I don’t recommend that you drink this amount of salted water, but I bet you need more salt, not less.

Put your worries to bed about salt, and get healthy.  Start drinking salt water and start trusting your gut.


For a fast and effective salt flush.  First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, before breakfast and coffee, add one teaspoon to a glass of water and drink it down.  Do this every 15 minutes until you get a good flush.  

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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!