
Acute vs Chronic Mercury Poisoning


WARNING:  What you may be doing to ‘HELP’ your cause,  might make you really really sick. 

Who likes the game Chutes and Ladders?  Some of us want to be on top, near the finish line, cured of all our symptoms and mercury gone away.  Wave that magic wand, right?  We want to hit the home run, but no way do we belong there.  Instead we get a sour apple and get sent back down a chute to the beginning of the game.   

Herbs can cause serious mercury redistribution issues, and I find a lot of the problem for people is that they're having a reaction to things, they're killing stuff, moving it around, and yet they aren't pooping out what's already in their belly.  This gets the liver backed up, then the pancreas, then the allergies come, and then the body is trying to send big toxins out through the skin, and here comes the histamine reaction or eczema.  Its like a line of dominoes falling, or a falling house of cards.

Be very wary of doubling up protocols, sneaking in some Essential Oils, or another round of antibiotics, and for those trying to chelate with ALA, DMSA, or DMPS, RIGHT NOW!

Adding in essential elements to human life are like simple addition and multiplication tables. Get them down, pass the course and move on to ALGEBRA. Try to do ALGEBRA without having these down, and you fail the course, and keep failing the course, and keep failing the course, and keep failing the course. What is the analogy for ALGEBRA in this case? Some kind of high end, complicated addition that moves too much mercury too fast.

Give the body what it needs to do its job. Get upper management out of the way (our brains) that are interfering with the workers (our bodies). Give the workers the essentials, and leave them alone.  Let them do their job.  Our bodies know what do with sulfur or potassium when it gets them.  It's when management comes down with this new invention, or protocol, or some new and improved super-bacteria killer thing, and it throws everything into disarray.  

The worst thing we can do is step in and decide to micromanage the process, or hurry it along.


I do not recommend people remove mercury fillings unless they are going to be disciplined in lowering their body burden of mercury.  Metal dental fillings are dangerous in the mouth, they are dangerous when being taken out, and in effect they are REALLY dangerous once they are gone, even years after they are gone.  When the source of our mercury poisoning is gone, our cells and organs can, independent of one another, release their mercury, and they can release it all at once.  This can move a person from being chronically mercury poisoned, "I don't feel so well today.  My arthritis is acting up," to being acutely mercury poisoned very quickly.  Acute mercury poisoning is when a large amount of mercury hits the blood stream all at once, and this can kill a person, giving them a heart attack, aneurysm or some other 911 condition. There is a huge difference between being chronically mercury poisoned, and being acutely mercury poisoned.

Top 7 Mercury-Poisoning Diseases - PubMed Links — Mercury Free Kids

90% of what people claim to move mercury, only redistributes it.  Without sulfur, the mercury just moves around, loosely binding with it, but is is NOT carried out of the body.  Stimulating the immune system of a mercury toxic person with a supplements is a very bad idea.

Going Loopy With Toxins? — Mercury Free Kids

Mercury is incredibly heavy, about 1000 pounds for one cubic foot!  It easily makes and breaks bonds with other elements.  In a human body, mercury naturally bonds to sulfur, but unless the body has enough sulfur to make its own Glutathione or Alpha Lipoic Acid, it makes very loose connections, and in the presence of other sulfur molecules, it will bounce back and forth between them.  Think of mercury in the presence of sulfur as an overly exuberant 600-pound hillbilly at a square dance.  

The Mercury Hillbilly and the Sulfur Square Dance — Mercury Free Kids

Mercury and Your Body As a Priceless Painting

To restore a priceless painting (Your body), the restorer must scrape away layer after layer of varnish (mercury) from the painting (the body) very slowly.  This can take years, because if you try to remove the old varnish, the accumulated gunk all at once the painting would be ruined.  The restorer doesn't pour a bottle of paint remover on the art work to finish the job in a weekend.  They lift away a tiny bit at a time, and every thing they pick up goes right in the garbage..

A Fast But Messy Mercury Cleanup
Let’s say there is an EPA superfund site that’s contaminated with mercury.  This superfund site sits on the outskirts of a little town, and the only way to get there is through the town.

Most of us heroic types want to send in a giant dump truck, haul it out over the weekend, and be done with it.  However the town has lots of little neighborhoods, curved streets, covered bridges, and 5 ton max roads. The town represents our body, or an organ in our body, and the roads are our capillaries, veins, and arteries.  What happens if we send in a 30-ton dump truck to hurry up and get the job done?

It wrecks the roads, bridges, mercury spills into the creek, in the streets, and goes everywhere, making a mess of the entire community, or in our case, the body.

Detox Pathways and A School Crossing Zone - Mercury vs Lyme
Mercury shuts down the detox pathways.  Lyme is like a kid with a ball playing in the street. And that ball may roll down into the sewer line and clog it up, maybe. Mercury is the 20 ton 18 wheeler with the driver slumped over the wheel from a heart attack with a truck full of bowling balls coming through a school crossing zone at 80mph.

Why My Lyme Disease Won't Go Away — Mercury Free Kids

The number one source of mercury posioning for most people is having it implanted into the teeth. 

The symptoms of mercury intoxication are manifold. Patients can present with complaints of numbness, tingling, hearing loss, visual difficulties, gait unsteadiness, and tremulousness, as well as emotional and cognitive difficulties. Obviously, assessing the risk of exposure, which can be acute or long term, is paramount to making a diagnosis.

The sign of an unhealthy alimentary canal is constipation.  There are basic essentials to human life.  Every human, young and old, sick or healthy, needs these essentials.  Constipated and unhealthy people are deficient in them.  When some of these essentials are consumed beyond bowel tolerance (BT),  the body will naturally detox, sending the excess essentials, and some retained toxins, out of the body in the form of diarrhea.  BT is the amount of an essential consumed just before diarrhea occurs.

The Wilking Protocol — Mercury Free Kids


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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!


The Mercury Hillbilly and the Sulfur Square Dance


Mercury is incredibly heavy, about 1000 pounds for one cubic foot.  A bowling ball made of mercury would weigh about 600lbs.  Mercury easily makes and breaks bonds with other elements.  In the ground mercury is naturally bound to sulfur.  The 8th most common element in the human body is sulfur, and the body uses sulfur to make detox compounds like Glutathione and Alpha-Lipoic Acid, to help detox itself from toxins like mercury. 

If we do not have enough sulfur to be able to make these compounds in abundance, the mercury can make very loose connections to our limited stores of sulfur, and in the presence of other sulfur molecules it will bounce back and forth between them.  Mercury in the presence of sulfur in this regard is a bit like an overly exuberant 600-pound hillbilly at a square dance. 

The hillbilly (mercury) breaks free from partners (sulfur thiols), and the dance routine whenever it wants, especially when it meets ’new’ sulfur molecules.  It literally tromps all over the place, wrecking the joint.  With limited sulfur, not enough to make those detox compounds, the body doesn't have enough of them to control the mobilized m

The more mercury we mobilize, the crazier the square dance gets.  We are literally giving the hillbilly an unlimited amount of partners, and when that hillbilly decides to swing his partner, or dosey-do, or move in another direction, there isn’t anything you or I can do about it.  If we try to stop him, we are going to be stepped on, or knocked up against the wall.

Not understanding the dangers of mercury, many healthcare practitioners recommend sending in more square dancers (something that redistributes mercury.)  They think that more is better, but it’s the exact opposite.  With more square dancers in this situation, we will only end up with a whole bunch more pain and crying, and square dancers with broken arms and legs.

Mercury has 80 electrons, and at most it can only share two of them with other elements when it makes a bond.  Most sulfur/thiols have one sulfur electron available to bond, so there is a very weak bond made with this heavy very heavy element, mercury.  

Having long-term healthy amounts of sulfur in our bodies is essential to our well being.  Sulfur, Glutathione, ALA, can be considered to be the security guards of the event, and they can walk that hillbilly towards the exit door.  However, we have to remember that ALA has a half-life, and mercury is way bigger and tougher than sulfur based molecules.  They can only hold onto mercury tightly, with both electrons for a short period of time before they tire out.  Security needs a lot of staff to move a mercury atom, and a constant supply of its own home made detox molecules, to help escort mercury out the exit door. 



Poison As Medicine – An archetypal three-act play with mercury

Autism, Ears, Smells, Sulfur, Testosterone, Vaccines - and STROKES

Mercury Mansion – Moving mercury too fast can make a really big mess

Mercury Redistribution – Lots of ways accumulated mercury can poison you

Mercury Depression - Recognize the coming bad reactions

Acute vs Chronic Mercury Poisoning -

Mercury Ping Pong - Playing with mercury bounces around symptoms

Mercury Heroes - Watch our HERO implode.  Is this YOU?

The Mercury Hillbilly and the Sulfur Square Dance


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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please take the time to give a donation.

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please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
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Tickets to the Carnival Ride Going Loopy with Toxins - The Problem Testing For Mercury



Mercury is an incredibly dangerous neurotoxin.  Mercury is 500 times more dangerous than lead, and is incredibly volatile.  Mercury is naturally bound to sulfur, and is unnatural in it's elemental liquid state.  Mercury enters the human body through the eyes, nose, lungs and skin to bind with sulfur, sulfur that is essential to our metabolic processes.  Mercury can literally bounce from sulfur molecule, to sulfur molecule, wrecking our health.  #MercuryCarnivalRide

It's not easy to test for Mercury.  Mercury doesn't stay in the blood for any length of time. There are mercury challenge tests to drive mercury out of cells, out of organs, into the kidneys, and thus the urine, but they aren't reliable, and they're dangerous. There is no determining factor of where the mercury comes from inside the body. Long bio-accumulated mercury isn't going to dump out of the brain and into the kidneys from a single, huge dose of DMSA. DMSA is commonly used for this mercury challenge test.

Mercury can be tested in the hair; however, the healthcare system has made it illegal to test hair for healthcare reasons in many states. If a person has mercury in their hair, it is actually a good sign.  It means they are detoxing from some mercury. However, what is commonly looked for is not mercury, but for mineral derangement caused by mercury. Many people poisoned by mercury have no mercury in their hair because they are retaining it.

Mercury fillings are REQUIRED for people and little children on social services, or it must be paid for out of pocket. The healthcare industry is expert at putting out info, and then changing it after the fact.  I too have read that mercury was being removed from fillings.

I recommend you estimate your mercury exposure by reviewing this mercury exposure list; the possible sources of mercury to which we may be exposed in our daily lives.

Please make a second list of health problems that you have, health problems that you have had, and your health concerns, real or imagined.  If you think you may have it, write it down.  You can always take it off the list.

If you have your lists ready, you may now enter the CARNIVAL RIDE called GOING LOOPY WITH TOXINS

On this ride, every time your read GOING LOOPY WITH TOXINS, and you encounter the words MERCURY 911, if you or a loved one have been performing one of these actions, go back to the beginning of GOING LOOPY WITH TOXINS, where it first says MERCURY 911, and start reading all over again from that point.  Show the usher your tickets, YOUR TICKETS ARE YOUR LISTS, and remember you can not get off the ride until the ride it is over, until you HAVE stopped looping back to the beginning.  There is no exiting until you have finished riding GOING LOOPY WITH TOXINS,

Email Albert Wilking at


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.
Poison as Medicine — Understanding Western Healthcare
Mercury Poisoning — How It Happens
Mercury 911 — Get Mercury Out Of Your Blood Stream Now!
Are You Mercury Toxic? - Please do this exercise
The Wilking Protocol — It Works Naturally
Testimonials — Proof The Wilking Protocol Works
Get Help Now — Consult with Albert Wilking

Vitamin C For Life — Humans Do Not Make Vitamin C
Salt Is Life — Animals Need Lots of Salt

Epsom Flush — Reduce Your Toxic Load
Thiamine Saves — The Addiction Vitamin

Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Magnesium - Inflammation and Nerves
Celery - Nitrate and the Microbiome

The Power of Iodine — Dashboard Of Our Body

If you have found my work helpful,
please take the time to make a donation.

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

If you found this page informative,

please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now



Consumer Products Made From Toxic Waste



The EPA is reclassifying coal fly ash from post industrial use, to post consumer use.  They are saying since coal was burnt up to make us electricity, the consumer can now be given the leftovers, the toxic fly ash, as a recycled product to use in our homes, rather than let the toxic waste just sit there, and perhaps poison a creek. 

Coal Fly Ash Home Products
The concern for me is that the more surface area, the more porous a product, the more likely it is to off gas dangerous chemicals and toxins, especially mercury.  Mercury is an incredibly volatile element, add a lot of surface area to it like in the case of carpet backing, and then add the friction of people walking on it, and we have a real problem.  No one that I have found is measuring how much mercury is being released.

Golf Balls
Park benches made out of composite wood
Composite wood on your deck or favorite seashore boardwalk
Ebonite bowling balls
Snow and ice melt
Vinyl flooring
Plastic utensils and tool handles
Composite kitchen counters
Dog houses
Cattle feeders
Carpet backing


This makes me sick.  There is no governmental protection.  We are seriously in trouble.  These products are going in people's homes.  People are buying these products in Home Depot right now.

This is how they are getting away with putting toxic waste in our household products:

“It is our contention that coal is consumed by the utility (the end consumer of the coal) in the process of production of electricity and that Celceram [Boral’s branded fly ash] is a product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose (i.e., the generation of heat to create steam) and would otherwise be sent to the waste stream.”

“Hmm, industrial waste is now post-consumer recycled content? It is a dubious argument at best.”

This is an article on the history of mercury and other toxins in paint.

“Mercury (phenyl mercuric acetate) has been used as a biocide in paint, but was banned from use in interior latex paint in 1991 and voluntarily withdrawn from exterior latex in 1991. (A biocide generally means any substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, fungi, etc.) Mercury-containing biocides are still allowed in exterior latex paints, but manufacturers are working to reduce or eliminate it.”

“Water based paints are considered the safest to use. Paints manufactured before 1990 may, however, contain mercury, which even at low levels of exposure can cause neurological damage without noticeable symptoms. Small percentages of alcohol solvents and glycol ethers are also found in most water based paints.”

Sulfur and your Skin

Autism, Ears, Smells, Sulfur, Testosterone, and Vaccines

Acute vs Chronic Mercury Poisoning

Mercury Ping Pong



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please leave your comments,
and reviews in the Discuss Comments section
at the bottom of this page.


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.  Please read them in the order given.

The Wilking Protocol
Are You Mercury Toxic? 
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine

Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now!

The Zika For-Profit Scam

Zika is a For-Profit fraud controlled by pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Women who's babies are born with microcephaly already have Guillian-Barre syndrome. Who has the Guillian-Barre syndrome?  People who are mercury toxic and those who have gotten the flu shot.  Most flu shots contain mercury.

Brazil has a very high vaccination rate.

Do vaccines cause autism?  This is a must see video.

Most microcephaly cases are appearing in the northeast of Brazil, where the Rio Doce river disaster took place in November 2015, dumping 300 years worth of mining waste into the Rio Doce that flows 250 miles to the Atlantic Ocean. It has also been claimed by Brazilian doctors that the larvicide Pyriproxyfen, made by Japan's Sumitomo Chemical, is responsible for microcephaly.

The case for mercury poisoning at the root cause of microcephaly cannot be discounted.  Japan's Minimata disaster was responsible for huge numbers of microcephaly.