Why My Lyme Disease Won't Go Away

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Mercury(II) reductase, commonly known as MerA, is an oxidoreductase enzyme and flavoprotein that catalyzes the reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0. Mercury(II) reductase is found in the cytoplasm of many eubacteria, in both aerobic and anaerobic environments, and serves to convert toxic mercury ions into relatively inert elemental mercury.


In my opinion, Lyme bacteria methylate mercury.  I believe Lyme pathogens are facultative bacteria.  Facultative bacteria switch from being aerobic to anaerobic, depending on food sources and the presence of other toxins. 


When spirochetes are killed, methylated-mercury is released, and the body has a “Herxheimer’s “ response.  However, the painful and inflammatory response is the body reacting to the newly released mercury.  Is the body swelling on purpose to prevent mercury redistribution?  Has the body sent in first responders, white blood cells that treat the newly released mercury as a pathogen and attempt to kill it with hypochloric-acid?  Does the body swell from the damaging effects of mercury?

Mercury is extremely dangerous in the blood stream, it can give the subject a heart attack or an aneurysm instantly.  In my opinion, the “Herxheimer’s” response should be called mercury redistribution.


Mercury has a long history with spirochetes in the form of syphilis.  Mercury is a bacteriostat, it doesn’t fully kill off bacteria.  In the treatment of syphilis, mercury would arrest the proliferation of syphilitic lesions, but it would not completely eliminate them. 

Thus the saying, “A night with venus equals a lifetime with mercury.” 

A mercury atom is 10,000 times more toxic than a Lyme spirochete.  You will not get rid of the Lyme until the mercury toxicity is addressed.  Once the body starts swelling, the balance of the Lyme bacterial infection can not be killed off, and this is the classic problem for the person with Chronic Lyme Disease.

I believe the spirochete bacteria over the centuries have developed the ability to methylate mercury as a defense.  They are in essence protecting the herd of bacteria.  Kill one of them, and the bacteria gives the hose a terrible allergic response.

Please see this 5 minute video revealing the toxic effect of mercury on motor neuron tubules.  There are trillions of atoms in a microgram of mercury.  Mercury is the most dangerous metal on the planet other than radiation.

This is how mercury can degenerate brain motor neurons.

This is a PubMed article on how mercury can attack the myelin sheaths.

Bacteria that resist mercury are known as Mercury Resistant Bacteria (MRB). Such bacteria, possess enzymatic mechanism to reduce divalent mercury (Hg2+) into volatile mercury of Hg0 due to their possession of mercury resistant gene known as mer-operon, and merA is one of mer-operon groups that code for mercury reductase.

Usually, the mer-operon gene is located within plasmid or transposon.  Plasmid is likely to carry a certain gene or more that might code for some special characters in bacteria, such as resistance and viability to antibiotics and heavy metal.

Mercury reductase is an oxydoreductase which involves NADPH2 or NADH2 coenzyme in catalyzing electron replacement. As an electron source in oxidation-reduction process, NADH2 or NADPH2 are involved to change Hg2+ to be volatile Hg0 or vice.  The efficiency rate of changing Hg2+ to be volatile Hg0 by
Pseudomonas putida SP-1 MRB was reported to be 89%, whereas
Hydrogenivirga was reported to reduce 150 ìmole Hg2+/106cell/hour.


In living organisms, other than bacteria with mercuric reductase capabilities, mercury is debilitating.

Some bacteria DNA alters it’s form in mercury’s presence to incorporate it into it’s processes, bringing it right into it’s own cell structures.  The classification of these processes is called mercury resistance determinants, or MerR.  This puts mercury into the class of a bacteriostat; mercury prevents the multiplying of bacteria without destroying them.  Mercury is not bacteriocidal.

By adding Hg, MerR twists and bends the DNA of certain bacteria to a conformation suitable for opening and initiation of mRNA synthesis.

Some facultative bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), and anaerobic bacteria can convert inorganic mercury into methylmercury, which readily bioaccumulates.  Bioaccumulated methylmercury in fish is one of the most easily assimilated forms of mercury.  It’s like a ready made meal, a TV dinner, or junk food, and ready to go!  However, mercury is still at its base root, and bacteria living in our own bodies, in our own mouths, can methylate mercury.

Examples of MerR facultative bacteria that incorporate mercury are Lyme disease spirochetes, syphilis spirochetes, H. Pylori, and candida.  Mercury in the body is opening the door like a Trojan horse for the entrance of undesirable microbiomes.  As a bacteriostatic, mercury has some antibiotic properties, but like other medical antibiotics, it can stop the growth of beneficial bacteria, which repel parasites, and aid in digestion. 

Helicobacter pylori is invasive and it may be a facultative intracellular organism

H. Pylori has been found in the gastrointestinal tracts of persons suffering from duodenal ulcers.  The individual who has sugar cravings, cravings for alcohol and chocolate, may simply be controlled by the demands of the anaerobic flora populating their intestines, or elsewhere in their bodies.  “Feed me or I will die.”  If the anaerobic bacteria dies, it releases its stored mercury, and can poison the larger organism, causing a redistribution of the mercury where it can enter into the organs.

Psoriasis and Helicobacter Pylori


H Pylori is gram negative, and often found in psoriasis.  I believe that rather than the body storing bioaccumulated mercury in existing fats, or making additional fat cells to store it, the person’s body is excreting it through the skin.  The H. pylori incorporates the mercury into it’s cells, sloughs off dead matter, thus creating an anaerobic environment where it flourishes.

Myelin sheaths have an abundance of essential fatty acids, some not made by our bodies.  If we aren’t making fat cells to store toxic mercury, and we don’t have bacteria suspending our bioaccumulated mercury, the mercury may be migrating to the fat cells of our myelin sheaths and organs.

Everywhere in official scientific literature we find ridiculous doubts about the effects of mercury and its high state of toxicity.  However, the pharmaceutical industry has mass poisoned before, and they are doing it again.

Any person who has an illness should be surveyed to determine toxic metal exposures.  This includes counting the mercury fillings in the person’s mouth, and asking the patient about vaccinations, consumption of corn syrup, where the person lives, and their occupation.  This is simple, but something the healthcare industry refuses to do.

When a patient walks in the door of a healthcare establishment they need to be thoroughly tested for toxic metals.  This includes blood, stool, urine and hair testing. When they have an operation to remove cancer the tumors need to be tested for toxic metals.  When they apply for a prescription drug, the person first needs to be tested for toxic metals. 

An appendix that is removed needs to be tested for toxic metals.



Please do this exercise to estimate mercury exposures, and to begin addressing mercury toxicity.

Tickets to the Carnival Ride Going Loopy with Toxins - The Problem Testing For Mercury


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I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


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These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

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