
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome

TWP Celery Nitrate Microbiome.jpg


This is going to sound ridiculous because of the simplicity of what I am about to write.  I recommend eating a stalk of celery everyday as one of the best actions we can take for our well-being.  However, there are many caveats to this.  I recommend using the The Wilking Protocol Tier 1 and Tier 2 supplements for at least 90 days before eating celery.  Here we go...

Nitrates fix problems in our gut microbiome.  We have been barking up the wrong tree trying to fix it with probiotics.

“Enterosalivary nitrate metabolism and the microbiome: Intersection of microbial metabolism, nitric oxide and diet in cardiac and pulmonary vascular health.”

This links shows how Nitrates kill off Pylori fast.  It has worked for me!

"Recent work from our laboratories suggested a novel host defense mechanism in the mammalian upper gastrointestinal tract.  We showed the generation of salivary nitrite in the mouth through a symbiotic relationship with facultative anaerobic bacteria on the tongue surface after ingestion of dietary nitrate."


Hemorrhoids are often treated with Nitroglycerin!  The nitroglycerin breaks down into nitric oxide.  When we ingest Nitrate, as I am proposing, it also breaks down into nitric oxide.

Nitrogylcerin as a vasodilator

Nitroglycerin as a hemorrhoid treatment.

It was found that when people took Minoxidil internally as a vasodilator, they started growing hair where they had gone bald.

Guess what we are getting in some tooth pastes.  Look under miscellaneous components to find the answer.

Before we go any further, let’s review the message we are being given by the Healthcare Industry.  Nitrates are bad for us.  You’re heard this, right, that nitrates make Nitrosamines and they will give us cancer?  WE have been told to stay away from nitrates, and they lumped together with nitrates from fertilizer in our water, and natural nitrates in our foods.

WE need to stay away from the misinformation campaigns that treat only symptoms.  If you haven’t read this link, please do so now:

This is a lengthy but important read on the history of nitrate, plus it talks about mummies!

Here is an excerpt from the link, a writing of about 500 A.D. called the Dunhuang manuscript.

“The symptoms described by the patient, as described in the Dunhuang manuscript, suggests an advanced case of cardiovascular distress.  The colour of the fingernails (cyanosis) indicates ischaemia (lack of oxygen in the tissue) due to restricted blood flow.  Cold hands and feet are additional symptoms of this condition.  Also, acute pain suggests that the patient may be suffering from severe angina, i.e. restricted blood flow due to the narrowing of the cardiac arteries.”  

Salt – 7000 years of meat-curing

Where can we get our nitrate?  Every living organism is loaded with nitrate, so we really shouldn't need any supplementation, should we?  That may have been the case 100 years ago, but the healthcare system has become expert at interfering with our sources, and/or our natural use of it.

We are being lied to about SALTS.  Almost every essential we are taking in The Wilking Protocol,

are essentials in the form of SALTS. Nitrogen is the 4th most common element in the body. Almost all drugs mess with the nitrogen in our bodies.  We hold nitrogen in the form of Amines.

Our body gets its amines from Nitrogen.  Amines are what give us our amino acids.


“Many drugs are designed to mimic or to interfere with the action of natural amine neurotransmitters, exemplified by the amine drugs:

Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that helps to relieve allergic disorders due to cold, hay fever, itchy skin, insect bites and stings.

Chlorpromazine is a tranquilizer that sedates without inducing sleep. It is used to relieve anxiety, excitement, restlessness or even mental disorder.

Ephedrine and phenylephrine, as amine hydrochlorides, are used as decongestants.

Amphetamine, methamphetamine, and methcathinone are psychostimulant amines that are listed as controlled substances by the US DEA.

Amitriptyline, imipramine, lofepramine and clomipramine are tricyclic antidepressants and tertiary amines.

Nortriptyline, desipramine, and amoxapine are tricyclic antidepressants and secondary amines. (The tricyclics are grouped by the nature of the final amine group on the side chain.)

Substituted tryptamines and phenethylamines are key basic structures for a large variety of psychedelic drugs.

Opiate analgesics such as morphine, codeine, and heroin are tertiary amines.”

 Stop using mouthwash.  Its wrecking the microbiome.

We are being lied to about needing lots of oxygen in our GI Tract, in our intestines. I believe the more ‘oxygen’ we put into our intestines, the more likely we will suffer from some kind of facultative-bacterial infection. Facultative bacteria is a bacteria or pathogen that can live in both aerobic, and anaerobic environments. I believe by feeding facultative bacteria, we end up with a perfect breeding ground for MERr bacteria, that is bacteria that methylate mercury, and switches its DNA around in the presence of mercury to do it. So we are in essence, making a breeding ground in our bellies for bacteria that retain mercury.

What the Nitrate is doing when we swish it around in our mouth, it is starting the digestive process in our mouth, where it is supposed to start. The body begins breaking the nitrate down through the proper process. Nitrite is not what we want, and that is what should be given a bad name, because it is like getting junk food, it isn’t whole food, it is short circuiting the digestive process.

The Nitrate break down process creates an anaerobic environment in our intestines, and the nitric oxide is what is oxygenating our intestinal lining, it is what our intestines need to function properly. It doesn’t need a bunch of oxygen, it uses the oxygen from the nitric oxide to power the cells of the intestinal lining, while keeping the food in the intestines in an anaerobic environment.

Celery, Coughs and Apigenin

Is it possible that celery will help our lungs, colds, and coughs?  A client started eating celery and alerted me that she and her son’s cough was greatly reduced after eating celery.  Upon further investigation I discovered this article:

“(Celery) has been found to be extremely effective at killing ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, breast, liver, and lung cancer cells. In fact, in a recent study, celery killed up to 86% of cancer cells in the lungs (in vitro).

Apigenin appears to be the compound that is killing the cancer cells, if in fact this is what it is doing

“Apigenin may also stimulate adult neurogenesis, with at least one study claiming that apigenin "stimulate[s] adult neurogenesis in vivo and in vitro, by promoting neuronal differentiation" and may be useful "for stimulating adult neurogenesis and for the treatment of neurological diseases, disorders and injuries, by stimulating the generation of neuronal cells in the adult brain."

Celery Allergies:

Be forewarned: My wife Vanessa has had reactions to the celery.  I think the nitrate opened up the capillaries under her front teeth and a capped tooth, causing her some pain and tingling in those areas.  My wife no longer has mercury dental amalgams, but I think there may be some redistribution of mercury.  It is possible that the nitrates are killing off facultative bacteria, and the mercury is cutting loose, and she was having symptoms of mercury redistribution.

She also got a twelve-hour headache.  Exactly what is going on here, I don’t know. Is it waking up the proper bacteria in our mouths, or in our bodies?

According to Live Strong,
“Along with allergies to peanuts, celery allergies affect Americans more frequently than adverse reactions to other foods. Some people only have problems with celery at certain times of the year. This type of allergic reaction is due to cross-reactivity to birch trees or wormwood plants, which share a particular cell structure with celery.”

In Europe, because of celery allergies, celery has to be listed as an ingredient in any product that contains it.

I believe that a bad reaction to celery is more likely a reaction to the nitrates in the celery, and a persons current inability to break down the nitrate, or it gets broken down to nitrite and gets stuck there. 

In this Wikipedia article on celery, it says:
“In the past, restaurants used to store celery in a container of water with powdered vegetable preservative, but it was found that the sulfites in the preservative caused allergic reactions in some people.”

I think what may have been happening is the sulfite along with the nitrate/nitrite was giving the person a double whammy.  I am still careful about eating any fruits and veggies from a restaurant, or delicatessen, We just don’t know what they are using to preserve that fresh look.  Can you imagine what would happen to your nice green home made salad if you put it under a heat lamp for a few hours?


Folks, we need nitrate.

This is my recommendation:

Take a stalk of celery and chew it with your mouth closed.  Don't breathe through mouth.  Chew the celery until there is almost no pulp.  Keep your mouth closed as long as you can after you swallow.  See if you can pull the saliva from the back of your tongue.  Keep your mouth closed.  Don't breath through your mouth or talk for a few minutes afterwards.

As of November 15, 2017, I am eating a stalk of celery before bed, after drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of guar gum in it.  Guar gum is a prebiotic that will help build a good gut microbiome.  It is well know for being a great plant for improving the nitrogen cycle in the ground.  There is a close relationship between Guar and nitrates.

I had bleeding hemorrhoids on and off for about 6 or 7 years.  I had a duodenal ulcer for about 38 years.  I've had problems for years of having to wipe excessively when having a bowel movement, like I was pooping out my intestines. It was just a mess.  My stomach hurt non-stop with a dull ache for years.

Adding in celery to my diet has gotten the Pylori under control for me.  Pylori is associated with duodenal ulcers. The constant pain in my belly has gone away. The bloated belly did too.  The celery is natural, and the most concentrated natural form of nitrates I have found in food.

Additional links:

Impaired Sulfate Metabolism and Epigenetics: Is There a Link in Autism?
By Samanatha Hartzell and Stephanie Seneff

Anti-inflammatory actions of inorganic nitrate stabilize

the atherosclerotic plaque

When we take in Glutamate, think MSG (monosodium glutamate), many of us may be having a reaction to it because it doesn’t have a job to do.  Glutamate breaks down ammonia into urea so that it can be expelled from our bodies.

“Glutamate also plays an important role in the body's disposal of excess or waste nitrogen. Glutamate undergoes deamination, an oxidative reaction catalysed by glutamate dehydrogenase,[14] as follows:

glutamate + H2O + NADP+ α-ketoglutarate + NADPH + NH3 + H+

Ammonia (as ammonium) is then excreted predominantly as urea, synthesised in the liver. Transamination can thus be linked to deamination, effectively allowing nitrogen from the amine groups of amino acids to be removed, via glutamate as an intermediate, and finally excreted from the body in the form of urea.

Glutamate is also a neurotransmitter (see below), which makes it one of the most abundant molecules in the brain. Malignant brain tumors known as glioma or glioblastoma exploit this phenomenon by using glutamate as an energy source, especially when these tumors become more dependent on glutamate due to mutations in the gene IDH1.”

Glutamic Acid


The Truth About Beet Juice




This Wiki entry only mentions Nitric Oxide in one place, and it says that it reduces plaque.  This is the only mention of the importance of Nitrogen in the control of Atheriosclerosis in this long and exhaustive Wiki entry.
Here is a perfect example of a misinformation campaign regarding nitrates.
The mouse model shows that nitrates clearly lower arterial wall plaque.


Dr Mercola get the Nitric Oxide Moving


Written by Albert Wilking


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   

Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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please take the time to give a donation.

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please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now!


Mercury Heroes



The Wilking Protocol sounds simple, because it is simple.  For example, drink enough salt water to flush the intestines.  That's simple, right?

This may be simple in theory, however this cannot be said enough:

We are not dealing with simple math, 2 +2 = 4.  Yesterday I took 4 teaspoons of L-Ascorbate to flush, so today I should be fine with 3 teaspoons, right? 

Can we fix ourselves like we would restore an old car, where after we repair one part, it becomes apparent that there is a problem in another area, and we just keep on fixing things until the car is fully restored?  Can we do that?  That concept is fine in theory, but the mercury problem is 500 times more complex.  Most of us with health issues have some kind of mercury toxicity, and that problem (MERCURY), literally jumps around.  When we 'fix' one area, all of a sudden there are 5 more problems, and 3 of them are in places we just fixed! How can this be?

Imagine, you started taking SALT, and VC, and doing lots of cleanses.  For 3 weeks you were doing fine.  Twelve hours ago you were feeling great, you were on top of the world.  However, as a common example, that exact same dose of magnesium you were taking, that you were perfectly fine with yesterday, starts cleaning out the cells with 1000% increase in efficacy because the halls around those cells no longer have years of accumulated buildup impeding the magnesium’s progress. 

The accumulated buildup can be something as simple as retained calcium, or it could be lead, aluminum, polysorbate 80, or some other retained toxin.  However, because you cleaned out that hoarded stuff, the magnesium goes right into the cells, and begins shoving retained cellular toxins out of the mitochondria, out of the cells, and back into circulation, and your reaction can be severe.

Mercury poisons on the way in, and it poisons on the way out.  
There is NO shortcut on this.  Want to get better? 
You are going to be riding this out for a couple of years.

The magnesium has created a huge increase in cell efficacy, and the cells all start cleaning up at once, dumping retained toxins.  Without intention, it’s possible you just cut loose 100 times more mercury than you have experienced.  Uh oh.

When Mercury hits your blood stream, your stress levels sharply increase, and your body literally starts stuffing it into any place it can find.  It starts making fat cells; it starts making cholesterol, and as it sends it to the brain; here comes the brain fog.  Now starts the neuropathy, or the candida flare, or aches and pains, or feeling down in the dumps.  That hemorrhoid problem is back?  Whatever weird reaction(s) you are genetically predisposed to will start popping up like Whack-A-Moles.

Hopefully, most of that mercury makes it's way down into your intestines, and even if you are using an ‘official’ chelator like ALA or Glutathione, the mercury immediately begins creating problems. Your intestines start swelling, anaerobic bacteria bloom, and you constipate.  Twenty-Four hours earlier, you were fine.

The worst thing to do would be to drop the protocol, to lower your VC dose, to start thinking, or claiming, that VC ruined your bowel movements.  It has done NO such thing.

Pharmakons make their money by convincing you that you need their dose of poison to protect you from some contagion that’s on it’s way to get YOU.  If they get that poison into you, mercury, nano-sized particles of aluminum, or some other neurotoxin, they have completed the first stage of their plan.

The second stage is they prescribe a solution to your newly developed illness, one that causes you to retain those same neurotoxins, slowly poisoning you, slowly killing you, slowly ruining your life.  Medicines that cause you to retain your toxins are called reductase inhibitors. 

If you go running back to the Pharmakons, asking for help, asking for testing, trusting their for-profit guidance, they will alleviate your symptoms, there is NO question about that.

Slow and steady win the race.  Trust your gut.  Take your time.  You are going to be moving mercury out of your body over a couple of years.  You are going to have reactions.  Don’t move too many toxins too quickly.  You can be a Mercury Hero, but keep in mind; heroic acts will get you in trouble, and you may be going back to ‘them’ asking for help.

Albert Wiking

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   
Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

If you have found my work helpful,
please take the time to give a donation.

If you found this page informative,

please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now!


Constipation 911

This is my list of emergency cleanses that are completely natural, and will also improve our well-being, and not just make us dependent on them for relief of constipation. These solutions are NOT trademarked for for-profit silver bullet formulas, with toxins in disguise, coming in bright colors, cute shapes, and fancy packages. They are proven by the test of time.  If you want to solve the problem, you will have to put the time, effort and discipline into correcting it.  #Constipation911

The sign of an unhealthy alimentary canal is constipation.  Severe, chronic constipation is called obstipation.

Magnesium, Potassium, Salt, Sulfur, and Vitamin C are essential to human life. Every human, young, old, sick, and healthy, needs these essentials. Constipated and unhealthy people are deficient in them.

The first rule for good health:

The second rule:

The third rule:

When any of these essentials are consumed beyond bowel tolerance (BT), the body will naturally detox, sending the excess essentials, and some retained toxins, out of the body in the form of diarrhea. BT is the amount of an essential consumed just before diarrhea occurs.




If necessary, you may add anything you like to mask the taste of the Epsom salts.  Juices of lemon, orange, apple or any other juice is fine.

'To treat constipation with Epsom salt, follow dosage guidelines. For adults and children 12 years old and older, dissolve 2-4 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately. For children 6 to 11 years old, dissolve 1-2 level teaspoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately.'

Although many websites have warnings not to give small children Epsom salts, I can find no verified reason as to what the danger of it would be.  Instead, Western Healthcare prescribes proven poisons like Miralax.

This website says this:
'For children of above 1 year age, take 1/2 teaspoon in cup of cold water or juice.'

My recommendation is to proceed with caution, and as a caregiver, you should always administer a treatment to yourself first, before doing it with a child.


Castor Oil is included here because it is historically a sure fire method for relieving constipation. 
Castor oil is a yellowish liquid that can be used as a home remedy for constipation because of its laxative property. Studies show that oral castor oil has helped children with chronic constipation to move their bowels. An upside to castor oil for constipation is that it works quickly.
How to Relieve Constipation With Castor Oil: 15 Steps

The ancient Ayurvedic healing records the use of Eranda or Castor oil since 2000 BC as a traditional analgesic, purgative and laxative for treating arthritis, constipation and infestation of worms.
4000 years of Ayurveda Healing with Castor Oil can NOT be wrong


For a fast and effective salt flush.  First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, before breakfast and coffee, add one teaspoon of SALT to a glass of water and drink it down.  Do this every 15 minutes until you get a good flush.  Be sure to use an all natural sea salt, one that is varied in color and size, and that is clumpy.  Do NOT use the salt if it is pure white.
Salt Is Life — Mercury Free Kids


High oral doses of vitamin C will rapidly increase bowel movements. Results will usually occur within 1-3 hours.  This cleanse uses a very specialized Vitamin C called L-Ascorbate. 

A Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse — Mercury Free Kids


  1. Pour 8-10 ounces of prune juice in to a microwave safe glass/mug/cup
  2. Add a tablespoon of butter or Ghee.  Ghee is clarified butter.
  3. Heat in microwave  for 45 seconds or until hot but still comfortable to drink
  4. Drink within 5 to 10 minutes for best results

Heated Prune Juice - Doctor Scott Health Blog


Bedtime – 2 TBSP Olive Oil
Morning – 2 TBSP Olive Oil

You simply need to take 2 tablespoons of this “liquid gold,” as it was called in the ancient Mediterranean, before bed and then again in the morning. Most will usually experience relief with this natural remedy fairly quickly but usually no more than 3 days.

Olive Oil - Doctor Scott Health Blog


For adults and children age 12 and older using Milk of Magnesia as a laxative, the recommended liquid dose is two to four tablespoons once a day, preferably at bedtime. The dose should be followed by 8 ounces (a full glass) of water. For younger children ages 6 to 11 years, the dose is usually one or two tablespoons.

Fermentation is undesirable in the small intestine. When the intestinal ecosystem is healthy, beneficial bacteria keep yeasts and other fermentation microorganisms at bay in this part of the digestive tract. An imbalance of microorganisms, called dysbiosis, results in overgrowth of fungus and other pathogens, resulting in numerous digestive disorders.

The Long Hollow Tube: A Primer on the Digestive System - The Weston A. Price Foundation


If you have found this page helpful,
please leave your comments,
and reviews in the Discuss Comments section
at the bottom of this page.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!


The Wilking Protocol

HG-Wilking Protocol Scroll 170214 A22.jpg

The Wilking Protocol uses the basic essentials of human life as the foundation of our well-being.  These basic essentials, called 1st tier essentials, are Magnesium, Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts), Potassium, SALT, and Vitamin C.  Every human body, whether young, old, sick, or healthy, needs these essentials.  Unhealthy bodies are deficient in them; healthy bodies are filled up with them.  Getting therapeutic doses of 1st tier essentials helps sufferers of debilitating conditions and diseases. 

The 1st tier essentials are arguably the strongest medicines known to man.  However, if we ingest them, and remain constipated, we will cause retained toxins in the body to redistribute, but not be evacuated, which is unhealthy, and possibly dangerous.

The first rule of the Wilking Protocol:

The second rule:

The third rule:

The Wilking Protocol is not about detox as many of us have been taught to understand detox.  We detox every time we have a bowel movement.  It is about having adequate essentials, so the body can naturally detox and repair itself.  When we ingest an excess of the 1st tier essentials, our body will flush the excess nutrients, and some accumulated toxins right along with them.  The body decides what it needs to do with these essentials.  We don’t force mandated or preconceived ideas about killing bacteria, chelating mercury, or altering diet or behavior because we supposedly have some mutant genetic DNA.  We simply give our body what every human body needs to optimally function.  In essence, we let our body do its job without interference from our brains, gauges, and tests.

The human body detoxes during sleep.  It puts toxins and other wastes into the intestines and kidneys so that they may be disposed of first thing in the morning.

Imagine working the night shift, and your job is to clean a factory, and this factory happens to be your body.  How depressed would you feel if night after night, the day shift hasn't bothered to clean up their work.  Not only that, but all the work you did the previous night, all the cleaning, meticulous sweeping, dusting, emptying of garbage cans into the dumpsters on the loading dock, all of that was somehow undone, and the garbage was again strewn throughout the factory.  This is what happens when we remain constipated.

Why do MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM, SALT, SULFUR, AND VITAMIN C cause us to detox, and make us feel better in the process?  Humans evolved along the shorelines of the sea, and sea water is filled with minerals; minerals essential to human health.  Ocean water is almost identical to the makeup of our blood.  Our body is literally carrying around an ocean environment.

Foods along the shoreline, avocados, bananas, coconuts, citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, and many others, are rich in essential nutrients.  With such abundance, our bodies don’t have any great reserve of them, and therefore we need a constant supply.  For example, human beings are one of the only animals that don’t make Vitamin C.  We don’t make Vitamin C because it was so prevalent in our environment. 

Think of the abundance of oxygen in the air.  Without oxygen, we will die within 5 to 10 minutes.  We don’t keep any more reserve of oxygen than needed because oxygen is in such great supply.  If you have ever been deprived of air for any length of time, think of the relief you had when you regained your breath.  Think of the relief you will have when you start filling up with the basic 1st tier essentials.

Since every human needs these 1st tier essentials, The Wilking Protocol always has a caregiver ingest them first, before administering it to anyone else.  It's a bit like riding a bicycle; you won't really understand it until you do it.  You know your child's health status better than anyone, and you will be a better guide after you have the experience.  Put your oxygen mask on first.

When these 1st tier basic essentials are consumed beyond bowel tolerance (BT), the body will naturally detox, sending the excess essentials, and some of its accumulated toxins, out of the body in the form of diarrhea.  BT is the amount of an essential consumed just before diarrhea occurs, and is completely natural.

We are putting our bodies back in charge.  We are bringing back gut intuition.

Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish.  Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, well-functioning detoxification pathways and much more depend upon cellular magnesium sufficiency. Soft tissue containing the highest concentrations of magnesium in the body include the brain and the heart—two organs that produce a large amount of electrical activity, and which can be especially vulnerable to magnesium deficiency.

We give our bodies the magnesium it needs to power it’s mitochondria, to detox its cells, and to make vitamin D3, and many more processes. Vitamin D3 is a hormone, and the body makes the exact amount it needs if it has enough magnesium, and a little bit of sunlight.  The Wilking Protocol does not supplement with Vitamin D3 because supplementing with D3 is treating a symptom of a magnesium deficiency.  This an example of a healthcare system misinformation campaign.

Magnesium can be used to flush the intestines.  There are different types of Magnesium, and ways that it is assimilated into the body.  The root cause of constipation can sometimes be a Magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium Sulfate, MgSO4, is also called Epsom salts.  It's important not to confuse Epsom salts with SALT (NaCL).  Epsom salt is NOT a sea salt or a Himalayan salt, and Magnesium sulfate crystals are similar to SALT (NaCL) crystals in appearance.  Do not confuse them.

In the Wilking Protocol, we bathe with Magnesium Sulfate, and we ingest it.  Our bodies need the sulfate to make strong bonds and repairs, and to detox.  I believe sulfur in the form of magnesium sulfate may be the safest form of sulfur supplementation for a sulfur deficient person.

Disulfide bonds are what give strength to our connective tissue, hair, intestines, and skin.  The finishing component of insulin is a disulfide bond.  Anyone with diabetes is deficient in sulfur.

If you have ever taken acetaminophen, Tylenol, which is a phenol based medicine, and you haven't loaded up on sulfate, that poison may be eating away at your liver.  Our bodies cannot detoxify from phenol without sulfate.  We cannot detoxify from mercury without sulfate.  Autism has links to sulfate deficiencies.  

Our body requires glutathione to detox, and sulfur is part of it's chemical compounding.  If the body does not have enough sulfur to run it's metabolic processes, it will break down essential cysteine, methionine, and glutathione to access the sulfur molecule.  When our body has adequate sulfur, it makes exactly the right amount of Glutathione and ALA to meet its needs. 

Ingesting and bathing in Magnesium Sulfate allows the body to be in charge.  When we have an excess of Magnesium Sulfate, our body flushes the excess essentials, and some accumulated toxins.



Salt deficiency is associated with low pH, which is in turn associated with many health problems, such as low kidney, liver, and brain function; disruption of enzymatic activity; poor immune function; hormonal imbalances; and a host of chronic degenerative diseases including cancer.

The Wilking Protocol doesn’t supplement with HCL (hydrochloric acid) because that's treating a symptom of a chloride deficiency.  When we get enough SALT, NaCL, the body breaks off the exact amount of CL it wants to make the exact amount of HCL it needs; not more, not less.

White blood cells make hypochloric acid, that's HOCL, from SALT.  They make the exact amount they need to fight infections, and kill pathogens.  The Wilking Protocol doesn’t intentionally kill bacteria or pathogens, it gives the body what it needs so that the body can do its job.

Our bodies also use the CL to clean neurons and heal; we cannot recover from infections if we are on a low salt diet.  Sickly people are on low salt diets.

A root cause of constipation can be a Salt deficiency.  When we drink an excess of salt water, the body flushes the excess salt, and some accumulated toxins.

Along with sodium, Potassium regulates the water balance and the acid-base balance in the blood and tissues. Potassium enters the cell more readily than does sodium, and instigates the brief sodium-potassium exchange across the cell membranes.  In the nerve cells, this sodium-potassium flux generates the electrical potential that aids the conduction of nerve impulses.  When potassium leaves the cell, it changes the membrane potential and allows the nerve impulse to progress. This electrical potential gradient, created by the "sodium-potassium pump," helps generate muscle contractions and regulates the heartbeat.  Another of the pump's most important functions is preventing the swelling of cells.

Any human completely cut off from Vitamin C will grow sick with scurvy.  It takes about 30 days.  A human will die if it doesn’t get Vitamin C for 90-150 days.

Vitamin C deficiency may be the root cause of many of our diseases today.  The only mammals that don't make vitamin C are the human, the monkey, and the guinea pig. It's of the utmost importance to our health that we get enough daily vitamin C. Lucky for us, most other plants and animals on earth make their own vitamin C. We get our vitamin C by consuming them.

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body, for healing wounds, and repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.

Vitamin C and sulfur are necessary for the body to make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.  Collagen heals the intestines and gives us good gut health.  Without vitamin C, we will have intestinal problems, like constipation, diarrhea and/or encopresis.

When we have an excess of Vitamin C, our body flushes the excess nutrients and accumulated toxins.


The Wilking Protocol asks that you detox every morning of every day.  This means you have a bowel movement 1st thing every morning.  Having a bowel movement means you are detoxing. 

The reason we use these cleanses/flushes is that sometimes our systems are literally backed up with waste and toxins.  To get ourselves regular, to clean out, we occasionally do a cleanse.  You don’t need to do them everyday; you need to be regular everyday.

However, for the chronically constipated, one of these cleanses may become the number one tool in the toolbox for staying regular.

Cleanses/flushes are a tool for us to use.  However, a single tool does not build a house.  We need more than a hammer to rehabilitate a house.

Here is a collection of emergency cleanouts. 

If you don’t need an emergency cleanout, then for getting regular you may want to start with one of these cleanses, and use the same one over and over again.

Specifics on how to do a Magnesium Sulfate cleanse can be found here:

Specifics on using Magnesium to cleanse the intestines can be found here:

There are several different SALT cleanses here:

This is the only type of supplemental Vitamin C and cleanse I recommend:

I recommend magnesium sulfate as your number one tool in your toolbox.  It’s possible that you can have a bad reaction from it.  Some people’s sulfur pathways are so closed down that any dose of sulfate can causes a backlog of sulfur.  Everyone is different.


Mercury poisons on the way in, and it poisons on the way out.  I’m going to ‘beat this thing’ doesn’t work when it comes to mercury.  It never has and it never will.  A farmer doesn’t grow beautiful foods over a weekend.  It’s a yearlong process, and even the earth must rest.  You will not ‘win’ against mercury; you will not recover your health over a weekend. 

Watching this five-minute video can help you understand how you will not beat mercury.  The only way to deal with mercury is very methodically, very slowly.


Mercury will kill your cells and ruin your motor neurons on the way out the door.  Move too much to fast and you can have a heart attack and die.  You can easily harm yourself because of EGO.

Milestones – If you are reading this you are not superman or woman.  You have been poisoned.  Slow down.  Go for Milestones

The Wilking Protocol group is designed to help us keep our egos in check.  Doing a detox, and coming back a week or month later and saying it didn’t work is EGO.  It is either a deficiency mode form of EGO, or a growth form of EGO.  The person with a deficiency mode form of EGO says, “Nothing ever works for me.  Woe is me.  The directions are too complicated.  Would someone tell me what to do?”  The growth mode form of ego is, “I’m smarter than this protocol.  My body is of superhuman strength.  I have found a super fantastic, fast detox protocol, and I will win the race!”  Competition by nature is EGO driven and flawed.

Most detox protocols feed the EGO.  A good question to ask yourself is, “Am I feeding my EGO?”

You are at a fork in the road, and you will always be at this fork in the road.  You have to make a choice.  We always have choices to make.  Don’t rush your decision.  Ask yourself, “Is this decision good for me?  Is this decision a projection of the way I ‘think’ things should, or is it how they really are?  Am I in control of myself, or am I controlled by EGO, by the habits of conditioning?  To take the easy way out, have I turned over my power to an authority figure, by letting letting them make the decisions for me?  Have I done my research?  What does my gut intuition tell me?”

Death and Birth are related.  To detox and grow you will need to let some old habits die.  The Wilking Protocol offers to you a partnership with a healing community.

Your body is experiencing what every human body has experienced since the beginning of time.  You need the exact same elements needed by the Ancient Egyptians, Neanderthals, and Vikings.  This is a constant; it does not change.  You do not need a silver bullet fix.  Silver Bullet Fixes are for impatient and sick people, and you will be going back to the same people who gave you the Silver Bullet asking them for help.

Don’t fall into the trap of believing your body needs something new.  It is a lie.  The walls of history are lined with charlatans that have been expert at poisoning the villagers.  Those making the most money are poisoning the most people.  Makers of weapons, frackers of the Earth, and big oil companies make enormous profits.  Pharmaceuticals have the best performing stocks.  To make computers we rip the earth apart to dig up rare earth elements.

You do not need more than what the body naturally needs.  There is no new solution to sickness and good health.  You don’t need an elixir from the jungles of some far away place.

The fork in the road is this.  Do I use these supplements sporadically, or consistently.  Don’t be seduced by a ‘new’ solution.  Be prepared to be thrown off balance.  You are going to be thrown off balance.  Ask yourself, do I need more of this essential, or should I slow down?

It has taken you a lifetime to accumulate toxins.  If you are mercury toxic, you need to give yourself a couple of years to feel better.  Some days you will hit a home run, or catch a touchdown pass.  However, 95% of the time what you need to do is practice finding your balance.  You will not be on the front page of your own EGO driven newspaper everyday.  You will be playing offense and defense, and at least ½ the time you will be sitting the bench.  To do it differently than this you will hurt yourself because of your own EGO driven needs.  This protocol is NOT about doing an occasional cleanse.  It is about developing a consistency of habit that will change for the better, your life, and the lives of those around you.  Rather than taking poisonous Tylenol for a headache, now you will drink a glass of SALT water.  Rather than get a flu shot loaded with mercury and/or aluminum, you will increase your Vitamin C.  Rather than treat your arthritis with prescription meds, you will increase your magnesium sulfate to rebuild cartilage, increase synovial fluid, and detox mercury.  Rather than takes antibiotics for Lyme, we increase our SALT, potassium, and Vitamin C.  The solutions are sitting right in front of us.

This protocol is too simple for many people, especially those who have lost their gut intuition.  It is rare that a person with IBS or Crohn’s disease can follow what we are doing.  The healthcare system has their hooks so deep into these people, that they cannot see simple solutions.  They have lost their gut intuition.  Instead, the healthcare system convinces many of these people their intestines are flawed, and must be removed with surgery.  Our bodies are not flawed.




400mg – I like Perque Mag Guard.

Magnesium Sulfate
1 to 3 teaspoons a day, depending on your needs

2000mg – This is the equivalent of 4 teaspoons of Cream of Tartar, or one teaspoon of Potassium Citrate.

1 to 3 teaspoons a day.

Vitamin C
1 to 6 teaspoons a day.  Only use L-Ascorbate

I personally take 1 to 3 tsps of Magnesium Sulfate before bed, to make sure I go first thing in the morning.  Initially, you many not be able to handle Magnesium Sulfate every day.  You may need to pulse it.

Getting these supplements near these amounts should keep you regular.  If you start to have a bad reaction, back off even if you have to start from the beginning, by going back to the number one tool in your toolbox.

I know of NO one having a bad reaction to any of the following supplements.
Selenium – 100-300mcg
Boron – 5 mg to 70mg a day.  It may keep you awake if you take it late in the day.
Molybdenum - 100-300mcg – I take is separately from Magnesium Sulfate.
Zinc - 30 mg a day
B Vitamins – A good multivitamin is fine
A multi-vitamin


Cod Liver Oil 1 tablespoon a day
Sardines and Anchovies – Your body needs these
Ghee – Clarified butter - USA only- The cow stood in the sun and ate grass so you don’t have to.


Make your own sauerkraut or buy Bubbies, Farmhouse Culture, or another type of Sauerkraut in the refrigerated section of your grocery store.  Do not use Pasteurized Sauerkraut sitting in the canned good section of the grocery store.  Fermenting salt and cabbage makes vitamin C and the best Probiotic in the world.  Drink or eat at least 6 oz of sauerkraut every day.


Your adrenal glands are attached to your kidneys.
The kidneys are incredibly sensitive to mercury. 
Mercury will accumulate in the kidneys.  Flush out toxins regularly with Cranberry Juice and Tart Cherry Juice.


As you move mercury through your body you will experience inflammation.  You will feel pain.  The key is, don’t move too much too fast.
Charcoal can be used for bloating, in particular from an L-Ascorbate Flush.  Take it after the flush, or in the evening.  Don’t take it at the same time as your other supplements.  If you have inflammation, ask in group how to address it.


30 days from starting the Wilking Protocol, you may add in Iodine.

Iodine moves toxins, and when we move any toxins around inside our body, it's extremely important that our detox pathways are open.  The toxins need to be dispelled, and not just redistributed.  The bowels need to be running properly, dumping our current load of toxins before we start moving more.

Also see how Iodine moves toxins out of our glands:

You will reach this level when you are not having bad reactions from the previous supplements.

This is a general guideline for a 200 lb man.

Every Morning
1 tsp Vitamin C – In the form of L-Ascorbate. Perque or C-Salts
 ½ tsp Salt – Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt
2000mg Potassium – This is the equivalent of 4 tsp of Cream of Tartar, or one tsp of Potassium Citrate.
A Pinch of Borax – Boron

Late Morning – Most days
Iodine – Lugol’s 5% - 5 drops
Selenium –  100-300mcg
Molybdenum - 100-300mcg

Lunch – Most days
½ tsp Vitamin C – In the form of L-Ascorbate
400mg Magnesium – Almost any form of magnesium is sufficient
B Vitamin – One of the cofactors of Iodine supplementation
Zinc – I personally don’t recommend more than 30mg a day.  Take with food

Evening – Every evening
Magnesium Sulfate – ¼  to 3 tsps, depending on your needs.  The reason I take this in the evening is I will flush from it in the morning.

3rd Tier – Sulfur based chelation

All of these supplements are sulfur based, and taken in an oral form.  You may need these to detox from mercury, and you may not.  It’s important to be managing the 1st and 2nd tiers of our protocol before you proceed with these.  When the body has enough sulfate, it makes its own Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Glutathione.

Alpha Lipoic Acid



We have an on-line store for your convenience.

Albert Wilking does consult for those in need of personal guidance.

If our protocol helps you or your loved ones,. Even a small amount is appreciated.












This is my opinion on what’s happening with cancer.

This isn’t just in Coca-Cola or corn syrup, it’s 20% of the products made with this process on the market today.

If you have been poisoned by the Healthcare industry in any form, you must read this so you understand who and what we are dealing with.

The history of the AMA and their putting mercury into people for profit.






Dear Mercury Toxic People,

Be forewarned:  You may be running along wonderfully, doing just fine, thinking this protocol is easy.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of mercury storage sites throughout your body; there may be hundreds of millions of them.  You may be feeling great, thinking you’re in the clear, and it all makes perfect sense.  Then all of a sudden your adrenals kick in, or maybe your thyroid is feeling all lovey dovey, and it starts making T3 and T4 hormones in great quantity, more than you’ve felt at one time in 20 years.  Hello chain reaction.  Oh, Hello Again Wicked Mercury!

Maybe this time those essentials you’ve been consuming will wake up your pituitary, commonly called the master gland, since it tells all the other glands what to do.  However, today most of your other glands are in for repairs, bogged down from mercury, and the only cells that hear the pituitary call are the melanocytes, which make melanin when the pituitary sends them MSH. 

Those melanocytes may have been waiting for their marching orders for a long time, and since they heard the call, they intend to follow their orders.  Your body may be a Ferrari, a Fiat, a Tank, or VW Bug, and they have all been told to take you out for a little spin.  They all say in unison, “Its great to be out of the garage.  Let’s see how fast we can go!"  

If your endocrine system does this all at once, without checks and balances in place, literally immeasurable amounts of places in your body can decide, "The coast is clear!  It's a sunny day.  Let’s dump our mercury!"  You can easily go from being Happy Joy Joy to WTF just happened, I want to throw myself under the bus.  You aren't making this up when this happens.  It's real.  It's all too real. 

You may have just exchanged chronic mercury poisoning, "I don't feel so good today. I'm achy.  My eyesight is going.  I'm getting old.  I’m depressed," for acute mercury poisoning.  You may move more mercury at once than you have ever moved before.  In fact, you could move 1000 times more mercury at once than you ever have, 20 years of accumulation, and now you are acutely mercury poisoned.

Acute mercury poisoning can literally give someone a heart attack.  The blood pressure can shoot through the roof, maybe to trying to push the mercury out of your blood stream.  That level of blood pressure can give a person an aneurysm, a stroke, an ischemic-reperfusion injury. 

Your adrenals start going on high alert sending out hundreds of  times more dopamine than you have been getting, and you will have a terrible fight or flight response. 

However, the enemy is invisible.  It would be so much easier to deal with this if there was 100ft tall God From Olympus coming across the Hills like the Jolly Green Giant, smashing villages, houses, and villagers with his hands and feet.  That is real.  You can see it.  You can make a plan to escape.  That's real.  Mercury is invisible, and it changes form at the drop of a hat. 

The problem with mercury is you can't see it.  You were doing everything right, so why do you feel like you are being ripped apart?  Well, you are being ripped apart, literally; you just went from being chronically mercury poisoned to acutely mercury poisoned.

This is why mercury is so incredibly profitable for the healthcare industry.  You can’t see the enemy, and they never say the word ‘MERCURY.’  They are watching you from their crystal ball, like the wicked witch, waiting for you to have a reaction so they can offer you a medicament for your symptoms.  If you know the Wizard of Oz, you may remember the wicked witch sends opiates through the crystal ball to put the overly excited adventurers to sleep.  What wakes them up is the freezing cold, snow.  If you are having a bad reaction, take a cold shower.

The key is to go back down the ladder.  Stop your essentials except for your vitamin C, maybe add in some charcoal, wait until things calm down.  Now you know the parameters.  Next time, a day from now, a week?, don’t go so hard at it.   Cool off, take a cold shower.

Albert Wilking

Poison As Medicine – An archetypal three-act play with mercury

Autism, Ears, Smells, Sulfur, Testosterone, Vaccines - and STROKES

Mercury Mansion – Moving mercury too fast can make a really big mess

Mercury Redistribution – Lots of ways accumulated mercury can poison you

Mercury Depression - Recognize the coming bad reactions

Acute vs Chronic Mercury Poisoning -

Mercury Ping Pong - Playing with mercury bounces around symptoms

Mercury Heroes - Watch our HERO implode.  Is this YOU?

The Mercury Hillbilly and the Sulfur Square Dance


I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.
Poison as Medicine — Understanding Western Healthcare
Mercury Poisoning — How It Happens
Mercury 911 — Get Mercury Out Of Your Blood Stream Now!
Are You Mercury Toxic? - Please do this exercise
The Wilking Protocol — It Works Naturally
Testimonials — Proof The Wilking Protocol Works
Get Help Now — Consult with Albert Wilking

Vitamin C For Life — Humans Do Not Make Vitamin C
Salt Is Life — Animals Need Lots of Salt

Epsom Flush — Reduce Your Toxic Load
Thiamine Saves — The Addiction Vitamin

Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Magnesium - Inflammation and Nerves
Celery - Nitrate and the Microbiome

The Power of Iodine — Dashboard Of Our Body

If you have found my work helpful,
please take the time to make a donation.

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

If you found this page informative,

please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
Get Help Now



Get Off Miralax

Essential nutrients naturally heal the intestines!  Get off Miralax forever!  #GetOffMiralax

Most healthcare problems are created by combination(s) of constipation, some kind of toxic accumulation, and a deficiency in one or more of these essentials. 

The sign of an unhealthy alimentary canal is constipation.  Salt, Vitamin C, and Magnesium are essential to human life.  Every human, young and old, sick or healthy, needs these essentials.  Constipated and unhealthy people are deficient in them.  When any of these essentials are consumed beyond bowel tolerance (BT),  the body will naturally detox, sending the excess essentials, and some retained toxins, out of the body in the form of diarrhea.  BT is the amount of an essential consumed just before diarrhea occurs.

The problem for most children who have been on Miralax is that the drug has been masking deficiency of essential elements since they started taking it.  The child was constipated because they were deficient in essential elements, and now they will need therapeutic doses to rectify the problem.

This is simple, but it takes discipline and fortitude to correct it.

Behavioral issues are coming from within ourselves, from a war within the intestines. We used Miralax to treat constipation, but never solved the original problem. The original problem was a deficiency of essentials to properly eliminate. 

Now it will take therapeutic doses to solve the problem.

If your child is on Miralax, begin by raising their essentials to bowel tolerance, and then either ween them off of Miralax, or quit cold turkey.  If you quit cold turkey, bowel tolerance may increase dramatically. 

Caregivers should first do this protocol themselves, then they can have a little one do it.  It's a little bit like riding a bicycle; you won't really understand it until you do it. You know your child's health status better than anyone, and will be better able to guide your child through this process once you have experienced it.

Never take any action in regards to your health or that of another without fully understanding the consequences.

Enemas are not a solution, they are a temporary fix.  They may release stoppages in the colon, but I do not recommend their use on a regular basis.  Any kind of regular enema may cause longer term health problems including:

  • Chronic consitpation
  • Dependency
  • Gut Flora Disruption
  • Electrolyte Disturbance
  • Unhealthy intestines
  • Vitamin Deficiencies

If you are on the fence about the dangers of Miralax,
this is a must read:
Dangerous Gooey Foods — Mercury Free Kids

The Essentials - Salt, Vitamin C, and Magnesium
When any of them are consumed beyond bowel tolerance, BT,  the body will naturally detox itself, sending the excess essential, and some retained toxins into the toilet in the form of diarrhea

BT for vitamin C and Magnesum will fluctuate over time, and will lower as the body and cells become saturated with them.  When we go beyond BT, our intestines will release, and detox, naturally.

To rectify a chronic constipation problem, vitamin C and magnesium BT must be maintained long enough for the body to heal, and begin evacuating the bowels naturally.

Any human completely cut off from Vitamin C will quickly grow sick with scurvy.  It takes about 30 days.  If they still don't get Vitamin C they will die within 90 to 120 days. 

Vitamin C deficiency may be the root cause of many of our diseases today.  The only mammals that don't make vitamin C are the human, the monkey, and the guinea pig.  It's of the utmost importance to our health that we get enough vitamin C.  Lucky for us, most other plants and animals on earth make their own vitamin C.  We get our vitamin C by consuming them.

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body.  Vitamin C is necessary for the body to make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.   Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.  Collagen is what the body needs for good gut health, and to heal the intestines.  Without vitamin C and collagen, we get constipated.

There are many forms of vitamin C.  The word ascorbate comes from anticorbutic, meaning to fight scurvy,  A- (meaning "No") and Scorbutus (Scurvy.)   Ascorbic acid is one form of vitamin C.  Ascorbate is another form.  My favorite form of vitamin C is L-Ascorbate.  I recommend L-Ascorbate as a supplemental form because of it's bio-availability to our cells.

Initial symptoms of vitamin c deficiency, and scurvy can be:

Feeling very tired and weak all the time (fatigue)
A general sense of feeling "out of sorts" – such as feeling irritable and miserable all the time
Pain in your limbs – particularly your legs
Constipation and or diarrhea


The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
L-Ascorbate is an easily assimilated form of vitamin C, and is very effective at clearing the intestines of toxins.   Most people find that the cleanse is easy to do.  Since the amount of time can vary quite a bit, it is best to do your first L-Ascorbate calibration on a day when you can stay home for most of the day. Once you have done an L-Ascorbate calibration/flush, you will have a better idea of how much time is needed.

For most people, it takes somewhere between 3-8 teaspoons of ascorbate to flush. It could differ for others: 15, 20, or more than 50 grams depending on your health status and how quickly your body uses up ascorbate.

Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse - General

Perque Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse - Details

In The Wilking Protocol you will see references to The Big3toBT.  This means having your levels of Magnesium, Salt and Vitamin C up to bowel tolerance.

Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish. Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, well-functioning detoxification pathways and much more depend upon cellular magnesium sufficiency. Soft tissue containing the highest concentrations of magnesium in the body include the brain and the heart—two organs that produce a large amount of electrical activity, and which can be especially vulnerable to magnesium insufficiency.

The above is an excerpt from an article by Catherine Czapp.

Magnesium Bowel Tolerance
Knowing your magnesium bowel tolerance (BT), is also of the utmost importance to your health.  Magnesium BT is the limit at which your body can retain magnesium without detoxing through the intestines in the form of diarrhea.  To find you Mag BT, you can simply raise you magnesium levels over time, until you find the level just before you get diarrhea.  Keep it at this level for 30-60 days to rectify a deficiency.


Salt deficiency is associated with low pH, which is in turn associated with many health problems, such as low kidney, liver, and brain function; disruption of enzymatic activity; poor immune function; hormonal imbalances; and a host of chronic degenerative diseases including cancer.

The body needs the Chloride from salt to detoxify, to make the right amount of HCL in the stomach for digestion, to clean neurons, and to help white blood cell neutrophils make HOCL to combat bacteria.  We can not heal our selves if we aren't getting enough salt.  Salt can also be used to flush the intestines.  Follow this link for details.


The body needs animal fats to detox.  Mercury will not be carried out of the body without good animal fats.  It's particularly important to understand the high efficiency of a vegan or vegetarians bile loop makes it very difficult for the body to eliminate toxins like mercury.  Click
Going Loopy With Toxins?

Ghee is clarified butter, it is the basis of Ayurveda Medicine.  The cow stood in the sunshine eating grass so you don't have to.  The fats in Ghee are readily assimilated by the human body.  In the USA, purchase U
SA made Ghee.  I recommend this Ghee made by a 5th generation family of Ghee makers.
Organic Grass Fed Indian Ghee from Pure Indian Foods

First Nations peoples didn't carry fish oils from the Pacific Ocean and over the Rocky Mountains into the interior, for more than 6000 years, because they liked the scenery. 
Click The Power of Iodine


If you have found this page helpful,
please leave your comments,
and reviews in the Discuss Comments section
at the bottom of this page.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


This is the Facebook Page for The Wilking Protocol. 
Please join our knowledgeable and supportive team.


These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 

The Wilking Protocol
Epsom Salts - Holy Grail of Healing
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told
Vitamin C or Your Life

The Buffered L-Ascorbate Cleanse
Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Are You Mercury Toxic? 

If you want Albert Wilking’s personal guidance, click
Get Help Now!