International Mercury Poisoning Prevention Week

Meet the honored guests participating on October 16th and 18th.

Randall Moore - Director of the documentary movie "Evidence of Harm"
Anita Karimian - Independent Medical Researcher
Arnold Wendroff - Medical sociologist and environmental scientist

Laura Henze Russell - Health activist bringing to light health challenges
Freya Koss – Injured Dental Patient and Mercury Poisoning Activist


Randall Moore - Director of the documentary movie "Evidence of Harm"

®andall Moore was a stay at home dad raising two children when his father, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, came to live with him.  Seeing the firsthand effects of the disease prompted Randall to look into the potential causes of this devastating disease.

After learning that amalgam fillings contain the potent neurotoxin mercury, and that his father had a mouthful of them, ®andall decided to research the subject. 

What he found put him on a path to create a documentary exposing the devastating effects of dental mercury on patients, staff and the environment.


Anita Karimian - Independent Medical Researcher

Anita Karimian, PhD and author of a thesis on Mercury Use in Dentistry. Anita was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and many autoimmune conditions.  She visited more than 50 health professionals searching for clues and finally learning from Columbia Presbyterian she was suffering from Systemic Mercury Poisoning!  Anita is presently a coordinator for DAMS in the New York Area and also overseas.  She is a member of the IAOMT, and also an independent medical researcher of heavy metals and the MTHFR gene and related genetic defects.

Arnold Wendroff

Arnold P. Wendroff, PhD is a medical sociologist and environmentalscientist.  He was the first to describe ritualistic mercury use (Nature 1990), and warn of environmental health threats posed by second-hand exposure to past ritualistic mercury spills. Heinitiated two EPA Environmental Justice Pollution Prevention awards, and has written and reviewed numerous publications on the dangers of ritualistic mercury exposure.

Laura Henze Russell

Laura Henze Russell is the Principal of Precision Research and Communications, focusing on health, patient engagement, and regulatory reform. She founded Hidden River Health Challenge, a nonprofit that invites people to learn, share and act on new information about gene types and toxins to address hidden health challenges such as mercury, mold, and Lyme. The Medical and Dental Device Safety Urgent Reform (MEDDSURGE) campaign works to add a Precision Devices frame to FDA to ensure device materials are “right for us” before being installed. It gives patients right to know, written informed consent, prescreening for biocompatibility, better testing, and remediation and treatment when people are harmed by FDA-approved devices.  Read more about Laura's work here:  MEDDSURGE

Freya Koss – Injured Dental Patient and Mercury Poisoning Activist

Freya Koss is a crusader for banning mercury in dentistry, working with consumer advocacy groups, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, as liaison with the FDA and founded the PA Coalition for Mercury- Fee Dentistry.  Her story has been told nationally on TV, radio and in print publications.  She showed up at Food and Drug Administration and congressional hearings on the issue, and proposed and lobbied Philadelphia City Council to approve an ordinance requiring the city’s dentists to give patients a brochure warning of the hazards of mercury fillings. In 2009, it became law. She also fought in court for 15 years, and in October ‘2014 won a rare, unprecedented settlement in her case, the terms of which are confidential.

Albert Wilking - Mercury Poisoning Activist

Albert Wilking took up the cause of mercury activism after learning of the widespread use of this deadly neurotoxin.  Albert has been a business owner, activist, and artist, and now uses his developed skill sets and gifts to educate others about the dangers of mercury poisoning.  Albert’s presentation, Mercury 101, is an educational, sometimes funny, and definitely scary experience

Vanessa Wilking - Mercury Poisoning Activist

Vanessa Wilking became a mercury activist after learning first hand of the effects of mercury poisoning.  In February 2013, a negligent dentist drilled a “leaking” mercury filling from her mouth without any safety protocols.  Within hours Vanessa’s face began to swell, and thus began her journey learning of the dangers of mercury poisoning and how to rid her body of the toxic metal.